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This Act establishes the ATO (Optimal Territorial Areas); provides for the management and the organization of the integrated water service and establishes terms and conditions for an efficient and economic management of water resources. Under Article 2 are listed the ATOs, further the Act provides for the modification and integration procedure of ATOs and for the establishment of a local authority for water resources. (12 Articles and 2 Annexes)
This Act establishes the ATO (Optimal Territorial Areas); provides for the management and the organization of the integrated water service and establishes terms and conditions for an efficient and economic management of water resources. Under Article 2 are listed the ATOs, further the Act provides for the modification and integration procedure of ATOs and for the establishment of a local authority for water resources. (12 Articles and 2 Annexes)
Regional Act No. 81 of 1995 on water resources, implementing Law No. 36 of 1994.
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