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This Regulation regulates the procedure of accreditation of panels for sensory analysis of virgin olive oil, a way of keeping the Register of authorized panel list of evaluators, the conditions of training managers and sensory evaluators, the implementation of uniform work authorized panel, obligations of the authorized panel.
Panel for sensory analysis of virgin olive oils in terms of this Regulation is a group of selected and trained assessors for the control and analysis of sensory characteristics of virgin olive oil. The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation regulates the procedure of accreditation of panels for sensory analysis of virgin olive oil, a way of keeping the Register of authorized panel list of evaluators, the conditions of training managers and sensory evaluators, the implementation of uniform work authorized panel, obligations of the authorized panel.
Regulation on authorization of the panel for sensory analysis of virgin olive oil.
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