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This Law prescribes the manner and organization measures of the market in certain sectors of agricultural products, and the conditions for the activation of specific measures for the organization of the market. It guides customers in the implementation of these measures, their control and the administrative procedures and inspection.
Arrangement of agricultural products refers to the arrangement of the internal market and trade with other countries, recognition of producer organizations, as well as special provisions for specific sectors.
Governing the market in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall apply to the following sectors: a) cereals; b) sugar; c) hop; d) olive oil and table olives; e) fruits and vegetables; f) processed fruit and vegetables; g) wine; h) living plants and flowers; i) bovine meat; j) pork meat; k) sheep and goat meat; l) eggs and poultry; m) milk and dairy products; n) beekeeping products; and o) other products.
This Law prescribes the manner and organization measures of the market in certain sectors of agricultural products, and the conditions for the activation of specific measures for the organization of the market. It guides customers in the implementation of these measures, their control and the administrative procedures and inspection.
Law on the Organization of Agricultural Products Market.
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