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This Regulation prescribes the procedures and conditions for granting production or withdrawal of approval for manufacturing companies in the sugar sector and the manner in which the system of production is regulated.
Sugar producers shall keep the records of the market history for at least three years following the year for which the records managed, and it must contain at least the following information: a) the quantities of raw materials received, and in the case of sugar beet, the data on the proportion of sugar which is set when downloading; b) where appropriate, the received final product, or intermediate products; c) yield of final products and byproducts; d) losses incurred from the treatment; e) amounts destroyed and the reasons for destruction; f) dispatched quantities of final products.
The Official reports particularly state: a) the date of control and people present during the control; b) controlled period and the respective amounts; c) techniques used to control including, if necessary, sampling methods; d) the results of control and possible corrective measures; e) assessment of severity, extent, permanence and duration of all deficiencies and discrepancies, and other elements that are necessary to be considered for the application of sanctions and penalty measures.
The Annexes (1-8) are an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation prescribes the procedures and conditions for granting production or withdrawal of approval for manufacturing companies in the sugar sector and the manner in which the system of production is regulated.
Regulation on the Implementation of the System of Production Constrictions in the Sugar Sector.
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