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This Regulation provides all necessary standards and conditions of and manner for conducting public intervention and aids for private storage in the milk and milk products sector with the aim of maintaining stable market relations.
In the milk and milk products sector, public intervention shall be applied in respect of butter and/or skimmed-milk powder (SMP), and aid for private storage shall be applied in respect of butter.
Public intervention and aid for private storage in the milk and milk products sector can be introduced in the cases where serious distortions in the milk and milk products market have been determined and where it is apparent that such situation would continue for a longer period of time.
The funds for the financing of public intervention and aid for private storage in the milk and milk products sector shall be allocated in the State Budget.
The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation provides all necessary standards and conditions of and manner for conducting public intervention and aids for private storage in the milk and milk products sector with the aim of maintaining stable market relations.
Regulation on public intervention and aid for private storage in the milk and milk products sector.
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