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This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down detailed content of requests and authorizations for plant protection products and conditions to be met by an applicant of each type of license. This Regulation applies to the following types of licenses: authorization for research and development, special license, authorization to expand the use of plant protection products. Application for a license should be addressed to the Administration for Plant Protection and Seeds. The applicant is a legal or natural person who is representative of the manufacturer of pesticides, or a person who is registered to carry out research or production of pesticides. This Regulation is composed of 15 articles divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Authorization for research and development (Sec. 2); Exceptional authorization (Sec. 3); Extension of permission (Sec. 4); Final provision (Sec. 5).
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down detailed content of requests and authorizations for plant protection products and conditions to be met by an applicant of each type of license. This Regulation applies to the following types of licenses: authorization for research and development, special license, authorization to expand the use of plant protection products. Application for a license should be addressed to the Administration for Plant Protection and Seed
Regulation on authorization for plant protection products.
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