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This Act establishes provisions governing transport and control of active substances which are plant protection products, their authorization and licensing. This Act specifies also details on transportation, use and control of pesticides, pesticide residues, and the register of companies and individuals dealing with the transport of plant protection products, technical requirements for application equipment and their components, and competences of the authorities responsible for implementation of this Act and control of these provisions. For the purposes of these provisions, pesticides mean the final form of active substances and preparations which are intended for: protection of plants and plant products against harmful organisms; impact on life processes of plants, other than by nutrients; preservation of plant products; control of undesirable plants, parts of plants, checking or preventing undesired growth of plants. This Act is composed of 71 articles divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Marketing and use of plant protection products (Sec. 2); Authorization of plant protection products (Sec. 3); Permits (Sec. 4); Public service (Sec. 5); Appliances (Sec. 6); Costs (Sec. 7); International marketing (Sec. 8); Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Sec. 9); Inspection (Sec. 10); Information (Sec. 11); Penalty provisions (Sec. 12); Transitional and final provisions (Sec. 13).
This Act establishes provisions governing transport and control of active substances which are plant protection products, their authorization and licensing. This Act specifies also details on transportation, use and control of pesticides, pesticide residues, and the register of companies and individuals dealing with the transport of plant protection products, technical requirements for application equipment and their components, and competences of the authorities responsible for implementation o
Consolidated version (published on 29 March 2007).
Act on plant protection products.
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