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This Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs is composed of four paragraphs. The application for issuing a permission for the introduction of the new technology of animal breeding on the territory of the Republic of Poland includes: name and address of the applier, name and address of the entity which worked out the new technology, place where the new technology will be introduced. To the application there should be attached the description of the technology including rules and conditions of breeding, and in particular: aims to be fulfilled by the technology, species of animals, technical and microclimatic conditions of rooms where animals will be kept, way of feeding and watering the animals, differences between this technology and other technologies applied to the given species of animals until now.
This Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs is composed of four paragraphs. The application for issuing a permission for the introduction of the new technology of animal breeding on the territory of the Republic of Poland includes: name and address of the applier, name and address of the entity which worked out the new technology, place where the new technology will be introduced. To the application there should be attached the description of the technology including rules and conditions
Regulation concerning conditions, mode and way of issuing permissions for the introduction of the new technology of animal breeding.
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