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The present Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of four Paragraphs and one Annex, creates the National Centre of Livestock Breeding, based in Warsaw. The Centre consists of departments engaged in the following activities: breeding and evaluation of livestock; planning, investments, finance, accounting; human relations, civil defence, safety and hygiene of work, fire-fighting, public orders; administration and informatics; regional centres of livestock breeding. The territorial range of regional centres is specified in the Annex.
The present Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of four Paragraphs and one Annex, creates the National Centre of Livestock Breeding, based in Warsaw. The Centre consists of departments engaged in the following activities: breeding and evaluation of livestock; planning, investments, finance, accounting; human relations, civil defence, safety and hygiene of work, fire-fighting, public orders; administration and informatics; regional centres of livesto
Regulation concerning creation of the National Centre of Livestock Breeding.
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