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The Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs, which is composed of nine Paragraphs, establishes provisions and conditions of catching of domestic animals and livestock which strayed or were abandoned by a human, and there is no possibility to establish the owner. Just after catching the homeless animals should be transported to the shelter or the place specified by the competent organ. Equipment and means used for catching must not be harmful for live or health or animals, and must not make them suffer.
The Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs, which is composed of nine Paragraphs, establishes provisions and conditions of catching of domestic animals and livestock which strayed or were abandoned by a human, and there is no possibility to establish the owner. Just after catching the homeless animals should be transported to the shelter or the place specified by the competent organ. Equipment and means used for catching must not be harmful for live or health or animals, and must not mak
Regulation concerning provisions and conditions of catching of homeless animals.
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