This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down conditions for registration of producers, processors, importers and distributors of plant products and other objects for the purposes of plant health, form and content of the application for registration, the content and manner of keeping the register, criteria for exceptions from the registration, and obligations of holders of registers. This Regulation establishes also requirements for the application for authorization to issue plant passports, the content and form of plant passports, and obligations of customers of those plants, plant products and other objects. This Regulation is composed of 41 articles divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Register (Sec. 2); Plant passport (Sec. 3); Plant health inspection (Sec. 4); Inspection (Sec. 5); Transitional and final provisions (Sec. 6). Annex 3 specifies the form of plant passport issued by the competent official organization.
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down conditions for registration of producers, processors, importers and distributors of plant products and other objects for the purposes of plant health, form and content of the application for registration, the content and manner of keeping the register, criteria for exceptions from the registration, and obligations of holders of registers. This Regulation establishes also requirements for the application for authorization
Regulation on conditions for registration of producers, processors, importers and distributors of plant products and other objects, and on plant passports.
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