This Regulation prescribes the content of documentation necessary for evaluation and registration of pesticides.
Documentation must be submitted with the proposed classification and labelling in accordance with the rules on classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations.
The detailed content of the documentation provided with all the data for the evaluation of assets, legal documents and samples, methods and guidelines for research are all included in Annex I.
The Annexes I and II are an integral part of this Regulation.
Documentation must be submitted with the proposed classification and labelling in accordance with the rules on classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations.
The detailed content of the documentation provided with all the data for the evaluation of assets, legal documents and samples, methods and guidelines for research are all included in Annex I.
The Annexes I and II are an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation prescribes the content of documentation necessary for evaluation and registration of pesticides.
On the effective date of this Regulation, the Regulation on the conditions and manner for placing on the market of plant protection products (Official Gazette 90/04, 150/04), will be no longer in force.
Regulation on the Documentation for Evaluation and Registration of Plant Protection Products.
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