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This Law provides for the transport of plant protection products and active substances of plant protection products, the registration of pesticides, licensing, traffic control of pesticides, monitoring residues of pesticides, keeping books and records, reporting and sharing information on pesticides, technical requirements for devices for the application of pesticides, the powers of the body responsible for implementing this Law and monitoring its implementation.
This Law governs the registration of plant protection products containing GMOs or consisting of them, provided that releasing such organisms into the environment is allowed only in accordance with the provisions of the regulations governing genetically modified organisms.
Pesticides are classified, packaged and labelled in accordance with this Law and in accordance with the regulations governing chemicals.
This Law provides for the transport of plant protection products and active substances of plant protection products, the registration of pesticides, licensing, traffic control of pesticides, monitoring residues of pesticides, keeping books and records, reporting and sharing information on pesticides, technical requirements for devices for the application of pesticides, the powers of the body responsible for implementing this Law and monitoring its implementation.
Law on Plant Protection Products.
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