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This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down: (1) means of informing on the occurrence of harmful organisms; (2) content, form and manner of keeping records on occurrences of harmful organisms and other necessary records in order to inform the national and international levels; (3) conditions on placing and publishing data on the occurrence and spread of newly detected pests; (4) the way to use the information system and requirements for records and databases. This Regulation is composed of 21 articles divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Communication (Sec. 2); Content, form and method of records management (Sec. 3); Publishing information on quarantine (Sec. 4); Keeping registers and databases (Sec. 5).
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down: (1) means of informing on the occurrence of harmful organisms; (2) content, form and manner of keeping records on occurrences of harmful organisms and other necessary records in order to inform the national and international levels; (3) conditions on placing and publishing data on the occurrence and spread of newly detected pests; (4) the way to use the information system and requirements for records and databases. This
Regulation on the information and publishing data on the occurrence of plant pests in the Republic of Slovenia.
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