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All biocidal products containing active substances and traded in the Norwegian market must be notified to the Product Registry. This requirement also applies to products which declaration is not mandatory (in adherence to Regulation No. 1139). The notifications shall always state the product s name and its active ingredients. For subsequent changes or if the product is removed from the market, a special report must be notified in the Product Registry in addition to the requirements for notification of classification, labelling etc. The Norwegian Environmental Agency shall regulate provisions of this Order and in adherence to EU directives.
Appendix 1 - Fees for biocides and biocidals.
Appendix 2 - Active substances authorized for use in sets of products.
Appendix 3 - Active substances not approved for use in sets of products.
All biocidal products containing active substances and traded in the Norwegian market must be notified to the Product Registry. This requirement also applies to products which declaration is not mandatory (in adherence to Regulation No. 1139). The notifications shall always state the product’s name and its active ingredients. For subsequent changes or if the product is removed from the market, a special report must be notified in the Product Registry in addition to the requirements for notificat
Regulation No. 548 on Biocides (Biocide Regulation).
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