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This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down the way of carrying out veterinary checks of products of animal origin imported from third countries, conditions which must be met by the border inspection station, veterinary conditions for the free zones and warehouses and customs warehouse, self-protective measures, and cooperation with the European Commission and other European Union Member States. No consignment from a third country should be imported without having been subjected to veterinary inspection under these rules. This Regulation is composed of 35 articles divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Organization of checks (Sec. 2); Precautions (Sec. 3); Cooperation with the European Commission and Member States (Sec. 4); Final provisions (Sec. 5).
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down the way of carrying out veterinary checks of products of animal origin imported from third countries, conditions which must be met by the border inspection station, veterinary conditions for the free zones and warehouses and customs warehouse, self-protective measures, and cooperation with the European Commission and other European Union Member States. No consignment from a third country should be imported without having
Regulation on veterinary checks of products entering the territory of EU from third countries.
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