These Regulations of the National Food Administration apply to trade in food of animal origin within countries that are members of the European Union and Iceland, the Faeroe Islands and Norway. Articles 3 to 6 concern control of goods produced in Sweden and intended for exportation. Articles 7 to 24 concern importation of goods from countries to which these Regulations apply. Goods shall be accompanied by trade documents or health certificates as prescribed by Regulations set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations. Goods intended for free circulation within member States shall be produced in accordance with rules laid down by Regulations set out in Schedule 1. Regulation 7 specifies documents that shall accompany imported food. Importers shall notify control authorities of the arrival of goods and first consignees shall carry out an in-house control on health documents. Regulation 13 concerns official control of imported goods. Regulation 17 and following contain special rules for the control of salmonella.
These Regulations of the National Food Administration apply to trade in food of animal origin within countries that are members of the European Union and Iceland, the Faeroe Islands and Norway. Articles 3 to 6 concern control of goods produced in Sweden and intended for exportation. Articles 7 to 24 concern importation of goods from countries to which these Regulations apply. Goods shall be accompanied by trade documents or health certificates as prescribed by Regulations set out in Schedule 2 t
This version includes amendments up to SLVFS 2001;29.
Regulations on controls of trade in food of animal origin within the European Union (SLVFS 1998:39).
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