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These Regulations aim at strengthening the administration of animal epidemic prevention activities, preventing, controlling, and exterminating animal epidemics, promoting the development of the breeding industry, protecting public health and life safety. The Text consists of 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Prevention of animal epidemics (II); Control and extermination of animal epidemics (III); Quarantine of animals and animal products (IV); Supervision and admionistration (V); Legal liabilities (VI); Supplementary provisions (VII).
These Regulations aim at strengthening the administration of animal epidemic prevention activities, preventing, controlling, and exterminating animal epidemics, promoting the development of the breeding industry, protecting public health and life safety. The Text consists of 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Prevention of animal epidemics (II); Control and extermination of animal epidemics (III); Quarantine of animals and animal products (IV); Supervision and admionistration (V); Legal liabili
Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Animal Epidemic Prevention.
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