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The Department of Forestry is established under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, for the purpose of administering the forestry sector. Main roles of the Department are to study and monitor the implementation of strategies and plans, to organize the admnistration and management of forestry all over the country, to elaborate long, medium and short term strategies for the development of forestry, forest industry, conservation and protection of the environment, to study and make proper use of the achievements of science and technology in the forest production. In order to achieve said tasks, Chapter II, III, and IV establish, respectively, the duties and powers, the organizational structure and the woking methods of the Department.
The Department of Forestry is established under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, for the purpose of administering the forestry sector. Main roles of the Department are to study and monitor the implementation of strategies and plans, to organize the admnistration and management of forestry all over the country, to elaborate long, medium and short term strategies for the development of forestry, forest industry, conservation and protection of the environment, to study and make proper use
Roles, Tasks and Responsibilities of the Department of Forestry, DOF (File No. 0355/MAF).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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