Danish sovereignty shall be exercised, in so far as the exploration and exploitation of natural resources are concerned, over that portion of the continental shelf which, according to the Convention on the Continental Shelf of 1958, belongs to the Kingdom of Denmark, taking into consideration that the boundary of the continental shelf in relation to foreign States whose coasts are opposite the coasts of the Kingdom of Denmark or are adjacent to Denmark shall be determined in accordance with article 6 of the Convention, that is to say in the absence of special agreement, the boundary is the median line, every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of each State is measured.
Danish sovereignty shall be exercised, in so far as the exploration and exploitation of natural resources are concerned, over that portion of the continental shelf which, according to the Convention on the Continental Shelf of 1958, belongs to the Kingdom of Denmark, taking into consideration that the boundary of the continental shelf in relation to foreign States whose coasts are opposite the coasts of the Kingdom of Denmark or are adjacent to Denmark shall be determined in accordance with arti
Royal Decree concerning the exercise of Danish sovereignty over the Continental Shelf.
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