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Natural resources of the Continental Shelf belong to the State of Denmark and may be subject to exploration and exploitation after upon permission or approval (sect. 1). "Natural resources" include living organisms, which are fixed to or in steady contact with the seabed. The Minister of Trade may approve exploitation for natural resources, whereas fishery activities including exploration for fish resources require a permit of the Minister of Fisheries (sect. 2). Other provisions of section 2 specify powers of the Minister for the Environment. Various Acts do not apply to installations in the Security Zone, including the Fisheries Act, the Act relative to Hunting, the Act relative to hunting and freshwater fisheries in Greenland, and the Act regulating fishing, hunting and whaling for commercial purposes.
Natural resources of the Continental Shelf belong to the State of Denmark and may be subject to exploration and exploitation after upon permission or approval (sect. 1). "Natural resources" include living organisms, which are fixed to or in steady contact with the seabed. The Minister of Trade may approve exploitation for natural resources, whereas fishery activities including exploration for fish resources require a permit of the Minister of Fisheries (sect. 2). Other provisions of section 2 sp
Consolidated version of Act No. 182 of 1 May 1979.
Continental Shelf Act (No. 1101 of 2005).
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