The present Law lays down provisions relating to surface water, groundwater, artificial waters and protected waters in Saarland. Article 2 establishes that: 1) waters shall be managed in such a way that adverse influence on eco-systems is avoided and in general a sustainable development is guaranteed; 2) groundwater has to be protected and sparingly used, and in any case the public water supply and the interests of the public have priority. The text consists of 151 articles divided into 13 Parts as follows: Sphere of application, classification of waters (I); Ownership of waters (II); Exploitation of waters, authorization to operate plants (III); Maintenance, construction of surface waters, dykes and dams (IV); Ensuring water discharge (V); Water surveillance (VI); Compulsory rights (VII); Balance sheet, compensation, expropriation (VIII); Water authorities, competences, proceedings (IX); Water Book, water cadastre (X); Fixing and levying water charges (XI); Penalties (XII); Transitional and final provisions (XIII).
The present Law lays down provisions relating to surface water, groundwater, artificial waters and protected waters in Saarland. Article 2 establishes that: 1) waters shall be managed in such a way that adverse influence on eco-systems is avoided and in general a sustainable development is guaranteed; 2) groundwater has to be protected and sparingly used, and in any case the public water supply and the interests of the public have priority. The text consists of 151 articles divided into 13 Parts
The present Law, in this version of 30 July 2004, is consolidated as of 13 February 2019.
Saarland Water Law.
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