The present Ordinance implements the European School Milk Scheme which is intended to encourage consumption among children of healthy dairy products containing important vitamins and minerals. The Scheme does not only have a nutritional character but also an educational character and contributes therefore greatly to the fight against obesity among children. The School Milk Scheme is there to provide quality products for children, to contribute to a healthy way of living and to nutritional education with a better knowledge on products. Member States have the possibility to choose the products they wish to distribute from the list of eligible products and they also have the possibility to apply stricter standards than those set out in the EU. Article 2 establishes that implementation of this Scheme is incumbent to the competent authorities designed by the L nder. The text consists of 11 articles as follows: Sphere of application (1); Competent authorities (2); Regional strategy; maximum prices (3); Facilities for the disabled (4); Products eligible for subsidies (5); Admission of applicants (6); Granting of subsidies (7); Notification and conservation duty (8); Toleration and participation duty (9); Notification duty (10); Transitional provisions (11).
The present Ordinance implements the European School Milk Scheme which is intended to encourage consumption among children of healthy dairy products containing important vitamins and minerals. The Scheme does not only have a nutritional character but also an educational character and contributes therefore greatly to the fight against obesity among children. The School Milk Scheme is there to provide quality products for children, to contribute to a healthy way of living and to nutritional educat
School Milk Implementation Ordinance.
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