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The Ordinance contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed, such as for example "untreated foodstuffs", "maximum quantity of additives", " additives without sugar", etc. Thereafter, the Ordinance deals with issues such as colouring agents, sweetening substances, other additives, additives for infant food, maximum additive limits, packing and labelling. Article 10 deals with penalties in case of violations. The text consists of 10 articles and 7 Annexes.
The Ordinance contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed, such as for example "untreated foodstuffs", "maximum quantity of additives", " additives without sugar", etc. Thereafter, the Ordinance deals with issues such as colouring agents, sweetening substances, other additives, additives for infant food, maximum additive limits, packing and labelling. Article 10 deals with penalties in case of violations. The text consists of 10 articles and 7 Annexes.
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 21 May 2012.
Additives Admission Ordinance.
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