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The present Ordinance introduces some amendments to the Ordinance of 29 January 1998 on admission of additives in foodstuff (BGBl. I pp. 230, 231). In particular, it adds article 6a relating to additives for potable water, as well as Annex 6a listing authorized additives for potable water.
Furthermore, the present Ordinance introduces some amendments to the Additives Marketing Ordinance of 29 January 1998 (BGBl. I pp. 230, 269). In particular, it amends article 1 and adds some items to the Annex.
The present Ordinance introduces some amendments to the Ordinance of 29 January 1998 on admission of additives in foodstuff (BGBl. I pp. 230, 231). In particular, it adds article 6a relating to additives for potable water, as well as Annex 6a listing authorized additives for potable water.
Second Ordinance amending Ordinances on additives in foodstuff.
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