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This Act provides rules for a plebiscite on privatization of Irish Water and provides with respect to charges for water services by Irish Water, dispute resolution to be provided to customers of Irish Water by the Commission for Energy Regulation and some other matters.
This Act provides rules for a plebiscite on privatization of Irish Water and provides with respect to charges for water services by Irish Water, dispute resolution to be provided to customers of Irish Water by the Commission for Energy Regulation and some other matters.
All Acts up to and including Finance Act 2017 (41/2017), enacted 25 December 2017, and all statutory instruments up to and including Legal Metrology (Measuring Instruments) Act 2017 (Commencement) Order 2018 (S.I. No. 1 of 2018), made 4 January 2018, were considered in the preparation of this Revised Act.
Water Services Act 2014 (No. 44 of 2014).
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