An Act to implement the Community Law on custom control of wild flora and fauna. However, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs is empowered to issue more severe regulations than those established by Community law (art. 2). Article 4 establishes that for every living item the time of arrival has to be communicated to the competent customs authority 18 hours before its arrival. Finally, the Act prescribes penalties in case of non compliance, and transitional provisions. The Act consists of 13 articles.
An Act to implement the Community Law on custom control of wild flora and fauna. However, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs is empowered to issue more severe regulations than those established by Community law (art. 2). Article 4 establishes that for every living item the time of arrival has to be communicated to the competent customs authority 18 hours before its arrival. Finally, the Act prescribes penalties in case of non compliance, and transitional provisions. The Act consists of 13
The present Act is consolidated as of 29/2006.
Wild Flora and Fauna Trade Act.
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