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The Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention,
Taking note ofthe financial reports on the Basel Convention trust funds for 2012 and estimated expenditures for 2013 from the Trust Fund for the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (Basel Convention Trust Fund),
1.Approves the programme budget for the Basel Convention for the biennium 2014‑2015 of 4,846,783 United States dollars for 2014 and 4,838,057 United States dollars for 2015 for the purposes set out in table 1 of the present decision, which are presented by budget code line in table 2 of the present decision;
2.Authorizes the Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention to make commitments in an amount up to the approved operational budget, drawing upon available cash resources;
3.Takes note of the indicative staffing table for the Secretariat for the biennium 2014–2015 used for costing purposes to set the overall budget, which is set out in table 5 of the present decision;
4.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to continue to determine the staffing levels, numbers and structure of the Secretariat in a flexible manner, provided that the Executive Secretary remains within the overall cost of the staff numbers set out in table 5 of the present decision for the biennium 2014–2015;
5.Adopts the indicative scale of assessments for the apportionment of expenses for the biennium 2014–2015 set out in table 4 of the present decision, and authorizes the Executive Secretary, consistent with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, to adjust the scale to include all parties for which the Convention enters into force before 1 January 2014 for 2014 and before 1 January 2015 for 2015;
6.Decides to maintain the working capital reserve at the level of 15 per cent of the annual average of the biennial operational budgets for 2014–2015;
7.Notes with concern that a number of parties have not paid their contributions to the operational budgets for 2010 and prior years, contrary to the provisions of paragraph 3 (a) of rule 5 of the financial rules, and urges parties to pay their contributions promptly by or on 1 January of the year to which the contributions apply;
8.Decides, with regard to contributions due from 1 January 2010 onwards, that no representative of any party whose contributions are in arrears for two or more years shall be eligible to become a member of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties or any subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties; this shall not apply to parties that are least developed countries or small island developing States or to parties that have agreed on and are respecting a schedule of payments in accordance with the financial rules;
9.Also decides to further consider additional incentives and measures to address arrears in core budget contributions to the Convention in an effective and efficient manner at the next meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
10.Requests the Secretariat to present options for incentives and measures, including information on those applied under other multilateral environmental agreements to deal with such challenges;
11.Takes note of the funding estimates included in table 3 of the present decision for activities under the Convention to be financed from the Trust Fund to Assist Developing Countries and other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Technical Cooperation Trust Fund) in the amount of 3,620,847 United States dollars for 2014 and 3,640,605 United States dollars for 2015;
12.Stresses the need to ensure that the Voluntary Special Trust Fund requirement presented in the budget is realistic and represents agreed priorities of all parties so as to encourage contributions from donors;
13.Notes that the Voluntary Special Trust Fund requirement presented in the budget represents its best efforts to be realistic and reflects priorities agreed by all parties and urges parties and invites non-parties and others to make voluntary contributions to the Voluntary Special Trust Fund so as to encourage contributions from donors;
14.Decides that the two trust funds for the Convention shall be continued until 31 December 2015, and requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to extend them for the biennium 2014–2015, subject to the approval of the United Nations Environment Assembly of the of the United Nations Environment Programme;
15.Requests the Secretariat to report to the Open-ended Working Group and to the Bureau on all sources of income received, including the reserve and fund balances and interest, together with actual, provisional and projected expenditures and commitments, and requests the Executive Secretary to report on all expenditures against the agreed budget lines;
16.Notes the importance of having funding available in the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the participation in the meetings of the Convention of developing-country parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and parties with economies in transition;
17.Urges parties, and invites others in a position to do so, to contribute urgently to the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund with a view to ensuring the full and effective participation of developing-country parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and parties with economies in transition, in the meetings of the Conference of the Parties;
18.Requests the Executive Secretary, bearing in mind decision BC.Ex-2/1, further to enhance efficiency in the use of financial and human resources in accordance with the priorities set by the Conference of the Parties and to report on the outcome of his efforts in that regard;
19.Also requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a budget for the biennium 2016–2017, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting, explaining the key principles, assumptions and programmatic strategy on which the budget is based and presenting expenditures for the 2016–2017 period in both a programmatic format and by budget code line;
20.Invites the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to ensure that staff training to comply with United Nations mandatory training for staff members is financed from programme support costs since it represents an overhead cost in the operations of the Secretariat;
21.Notes the need to facilitate priority-setting by providing parties with timely information on the financial consequences of various options and, to that end, requests the Executive Secretary to include in the proposed operational budget for the biennium 2016–2017 two alternative funding scenarios that take account of any efficiencies identified as a result of paragraph 18 above and are based on:
(a)The Executive Secretary’s assessment of the required changes in the operational budget to finance all proposals before the Conference of the Parties that have budgetary implications;
(b)Maintaining the operational budget at the 2014–2015 level in nominal terms;
22.Requests the Executive Secretary at the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to provide, where relevant, cost estimates for actions that have budgetary implications that are not foreseen in the draft programme of work but are included in proposed draft decisions before the adoption of those decisions by the Conference of the Parties;
23.Recalls its earlier request to the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to request an audit by the Office of Internal Oversight Services on coordination and cooperation among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and requests the Executive Director to present the report on that audit to the Conference of the Parties for consideration at its next ordinary meeting.
Table 1
A. - Programme budget for 2014–2015 (in United States dollars)
Activities related to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
1. - Conferences and meetings
Activity No.Activities20142015
Source of fundingSource of funding
Basel ConventionRotterdam ConventionStockholm ConventionBasel ConventionRotterdam ConventionStockholmBiennium Convention
1 (BC)Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention000000522 527820 4000000522 527820 400
2 (RC)Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention0090 00000000432 527820 40000522 527820 400
3 (SC)Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention000080 00000000442 527820 400522 527820 400
4 (BC)Ninth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention354 865545 9040000000000354 865545 904
5 (RC)Tenth and eleventh meetings of the Chemical Review Committee00214 31300000214 313000428 6260
6 (SC)Tenth and eleventh meetings of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee0000458 29724 2600000458 29777 632916 594101 892
7 (BC)Meeting of the Bureau of the conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and joint meetings of the bureaux of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions47 6400000000000047 6400
8 (RC)Meeting of the Bureau of the conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention and joint meetings of the bureaux of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions0025 40800000000025 4080
9 (SC)Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention and joint meetings of the bureaux of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions000038 112000000038 1120
10 (BC)Meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee39 54513 785000000000039 54513 785
Meeting of the Rotterdam Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee39 54513 78539 54513 785
Meeting of the Stockholm Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee39 54513 78539 54513 785
11 (RC)Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee00058 14000000000058 140
12 (S6)Support for the work of and coordination between the scientific bodies of the conventions08 00008 00004 000000020 000
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)442 050567 689369 26679 925615 95442 045522 527820 400646 840820 400900 824898 0323 497 4613 228 491
2014–2015 total (staff cost)852 180126 210927 413150 9671 232 741467 010875 884131 258849 915157 0051 291 913485 6906 030 0471 518 141
2. - Technical assistance and capacity-building
(a) Development of tools and methodologies
Activity No.Activities20142015
Source of fundingSource of funding
Basel ConventionRotterdam ConventionStockholm ConventionBasel ConventionRotterdam ConventionStockholm ConventionBiennium
13 (S1)Tools and methodologies for training and capacity-building15 000322 50040 000322 50015 000321 00015 000155 00040 000155 00015 000161 000140 0001 437 000
2014–2015 total technical assistance and capacity-building (a)15 000322 50040 000322 50015 000321 00015 000155 00040 000155 00015 000161 000140 0001 437 000
(b) Capacity-building and training
14 (BC)Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel Convention at the regional level0420 00000000635 000000001 055 000
15 (RC)Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention at national and regional levels0001 305 500000001 525 5000002 831 000
16 (SC)Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Stockholm Convention at the regional level00000735 50000000622 50001 358 000
17 (S2/S3)Training and capacity-building activities to enhance the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions at the regional and national levels0236 0000473 5000294 0000316 0000419 5000337 00002 076 000
2014–2015 total technical assistance and capacity-building (b)0656 00001 779 00001 029 5000951 00001 945 0000959 50007 320 000
(c) Partnerships
18 (S4)Partnerships for technical assistance22 000382 5000100 0000107 50025 000282 500080 000087 50047 0001 040 000
2014–2015 total technical assistance and capacity-building (c)22 000382 5000100 0000107 50025 000282 500080 000087 50047 0001 040 000
(d) Regional centres
19 (S8/9)Coordination of and support to the Basel and Stockholm Conventions regional centres and cooperation and coordination between regional centres70 50090 00048 00090 05093 5005 00099 65058 00025 00099 650190 550488 800
2014–2015 total technical assistance and capacity-building (d)70 50090 000048 00090 05093 5005 00099 650058 00025 00099 650190 550488 800
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)107 5001 451 00040 0002 249 500105 0501 551 50045 0001 488 15040 0002 238 00040 0001 307 650377 55010 285 800
2014–2015 total (staff cost)395 397 126 210 459 631 286 837 445 683 121 077 411 213 131 258 437 349 298 310 463 511 125 920 2 612 785 1 089 612
3. - Scientific and technical activities
Activity No.Activities20142015
Source of fundingSource of funding
Basel Convention Rotterdam ConventionStockholm ConventionBasel ConventionRotterdam ConventionStockholm ConventionBiennium
20 (S7)Scientific support to parties to the Basel Convention70 000140 00000090 000085 00000065 00070 000380 000
21 (RC)Scientific support to parties to the Rotterdam Convention030 00015 5000030 00015 500060 00031 000
22 (SC)Scientific support to parties to the Stockholm Convention083 000190 00008 000137 00091 000327 000
23 (SC)Effectiveness evaluation and the Global Monitoring Plan000060 000360 000000060 000160 000120 000520 000
24 (S15)National reporting40 00045 000030 00042 0000027 00040 000144 000
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)110 000185 00030 00015 500143 000670 0000127 00030 00015 50068 000389 000381 0001 402 000
2014–­2015 total (staff cost)306 433 199 462 379 305 216 208 318 690 186 278 394 477 224 857 1 784 646 441 065
4. - Knowledge and information management and outreach
Activity No.Activities20142015
Source of fundingSource of funding
Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Biennium Convention
25 (S10)Clearing-house mechanism for information exchange, including PIC database and Rotterdam Convention website in English, French and Spanish169 600042 000028 0000169 600042 000028 0000479 2000
26 (S14)Publications48 000039 150054 200038 000029 150044 2000252 7000
27 (S12/S13)Joint communication, outreach and public awareness029 000029 000030 000030 200030 200030 3000178 700
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)217 60029 00081 15029 00082 20030 000207 60030 20071 15030 20072 20030 300731 900178 700
2014–2015 total (staff cost)389 466 ­– 555 546 15 097 540 510 51 890 405 045 526 925 15 701 562 130 53 966 2 979 622 136 653
5. - Overall management
Activity No.Activities20142015
Source of funding Source of funding
Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Biennium Convention
28 (S18)Executive direction and management136 4000100 4570125 400099 9000152 6210110 9000725 6780
29 (S19)International cooperation and coordination080 000000010 00000090 000
30 (S16)Resource mobilization (resource mobilization database development funded from fund balance $2,000 per Convention per year from general trust fund)4 0001 0004 0001 0004 0001 0004 0001 0004 0001 0004 0001 00024 0006 000
31 (S17)Support for the review of the synergies decisions.  (staff time only)00000000000000
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)140 40081 000104 4571 000129 4001 000103 90011 000156 6211 000114 9001 000749 67896 000
2014–2015 total (staff cost)425 843 322 609 739 645 172 967 452 335 301 285 - 769 231 179 885 3 010 947 352 852
6. - Legal and policy
Activity No. 2014-2015Activities20142015
Source of funding Source of funding
Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Biennium
32 (BC)Legal and policy activities specific to the Basel Convention0145 00000000145 00000000290 000
33 (S20)Legal and policy activities under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions. National legislation, illegal traffic and trade, and enforcement under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions0155 0000000075 00000000230 000
34 (BC)Coordinate and provide support to parties in follow-up to the country-led initiative on environmentally sound management and further legal clarity0230 00000000150 00000000380 000
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)0530 00000000370 00000000900 000
2014–2015 total (staff cost)398 462 108 180 32 955 256 031 8 648 415 325 112 507 30 776 ­–256 410 8 994 1 389 959 238 330
7. - Office maintenance and services
Activity No. Activities20142015
Source of funding Source of funding
Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Biennium Convention
 BCTF  BDTF  ROTF  RVTF  SCTF  SVTF  BCTF  BDTF  ROTF  RVTF  SCTF  SVTF  Total funding General TF  Total funding Special TF
35 (S21)Office maintenance and services148 7380142 9090165 2650156 1750150 0540173 528936 6700
36 (S11)Joint information technology services38 800033 250038 800038 800033 250038 8000221 7000
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)187 5380176 1590204 0650194 9750183 3040212 32801 158 3700
2014–2015 total (staff cost)316 318 199 135 328 971 207 101 1 051 524
2014–2015 total (non-staff cost)1 205 0882 843 689801 0322 374 9251 279 6692 294 5451 074 0022 846 7501 127 9153 105 1001 408 2522 625 9826 895 95916 090 991
2014–2015 total (staff cost)3 084 100 360 600 2 497 616 452 900 3 793 050 1 037 800 3 207 464 375 024 2 332 529 471 016 3 944 772 1 079 312 18 859 531 3 776 652
2014–2015 grand total4 289 188 3 204 289 3 298 648 2 827 825 5 072 719 3 332 345 4 281 466 3 221 774 3 460 444 3 576 116 5 353 024 3 705 294 25 755 489 19 867 643
B. - Summary table of costs and requirements by heading for 2014-2015 (in United States dollars)
Conferences and meetings 442 050567 689369 26679 925615 95442 0451 427 270689 659522 527820 400646 840820 400900 824898 0322 070 1912 538 832
Technical assistance and capacity-building107 5001 451 00040 0002 249 500105 0501 551 500252 5505 252 00045 0001 488 15040 0002 238 00040 0001 307 650125 0005 033 800
Scientific and technical activities110 000185 00030 00015 500143 000670 000283 000870 500-127 00030 00015 50068 000389 00098 000531 500
Knowledge and information management and outreach217 60029 00081 15029 00082 20030 000380 95088 000207 60030 20071 15030 20072 20030 300350 95090 700
Overall management140 40081 000104 4571 000129 4001 000374 25783 000103 90011 000156 6211 000114 9001 000375 42113 000
Legal and policy530 000530 000370 000370 000
Office maintenance and services187 538176 159204 065567 762194 975183 304212 328590 608
Total non-staff costs1 205 088 2 843 689 801 032 2 374 925 1 279 669 2 294 545 3 285 789 7 513 159 1 074 002 2 846 750 1 127 915 3 105 100 1 408 252 2 625 982 3 610 170 8 577 832
Total staff costs 3 084 100 360 600 2 497 616 452 900 3 793 050 1 037 800 9 374 766 1 851 300 3 207 464 375 024 2 332 529 471 016 3 944 772 1 079 312 9 484 765 1 925 352
Total programme requirements 4 289 188 3 204 289 3 298 648 2 827 825 5 072 719 3 332 345 12 660 555 9 364 459 4 281 466 3 221 774 3 460 444 3 576 116 5 353 024 3 705 294 13 094 934 10 503 184
2014–2015 BRS total budget 25 755 48919 867 6438 570 6556 426 0636 759 0926 403 94110 425 7437 037 639
Increase from biennium to biennium1.39%-4.74%3.64%-30.77%1.63%79.06%-0.55%-12.01%
Table 2
C. - Programme of work for 2014–2015 funded through the general trust funds of the Basel (BC), Rotterdam (RO) and Stockholm (SC) conventions
Operational budget for 2014–2015 (in United States dollars)
Summary table of total costs by budget code level and by convention trust fund
10 Project personnel component
1100Professional staff
1101Executive Secretary (D-2)123 76030 940154 700309 400128 71032 178160 888321 776631 176
1102Deputy Executive Secretary (D-1)115 40028 850144 250288 500120 01630 004150 020300 040588 540
1103Chief of Branch (P-5)101 92025 480127 400254 800105 99726 499132 496264 992519 792
1104Chief of Branch (P-5)
1105Chief of Branch (P-5)
1106Chief of Branch (P-5)
1107Senior Programme Officer (P-5)254 800254 800264 992264 992519 792
1108Senior Programme Officer (P-5)254 800254 800264 992264 992519 792
1109Senior Programme Officer (P-5)254 800254 800264 992264 992519 792
1110Policy and Legal Adviser (P-4)216 400216 400225 056225 056441 456
1111Programme Officer (P-4)216 400216 400225 056225 056441 456
1112Administrative Officer (P-4) (by UNEP OTL)
1113Programme Officer – National Reporting (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1114Programme Officer – Information Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1115Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1116Associate Programme Officer – Computer Systems (P-2)144 800144 800150 592150 592295 392
1117Associate Legal Officer (P-2)144 800144 800150 592150 592295 392
Transitional adjustment101 920101 920105 997105 997207 917
Subtotal Basel Convention staff2 470 700   2 569 528    
1102Senior Programme Officer (P-5)254 800254 800264 992264 992519 792
1104Policy Officer (P-4)216 400216 400225 056225 056441 456
1105Programme Officer (P-4)216 400216 400225 056225 056441 456
1106Programme Officer (P-4)216 400216 400225 056225 056441 456
1107Senior Programme Officer (P-5)254 800254 800264 992264 992519 792
1108Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1110Administrative Officer (P-4) (0.5 by UNEP OTL)
1111Legal Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1112Associate Programme Officer (P-2)144 800144 800150 592150 592295 392
1114Project Information System Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1116Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1117Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1118Programme Officer (P-4)
Transitional adjustment343 800343 800357 552357 552701 352
Subtotal Stockholm Convention staff  2 975 250   3 094 260  
1102Senior Programme Officer (P-5)254 800254 800254 800
1103Programme Officer (P-4)216 400216 400225 056225 056441 456
1104Administrative Officer (P-4) (0.5 by UNEP OTL)
1105Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1106Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1107Public Awareness Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1108Programme Officer (P-3)180 300180 300187 512187 512367 812
1111Executive Secretary (D-2) (0.25 in kind by FAO)
1112Senior Programme Officer (P-5) (in kind by FAO)
1113Programme Officer – FAO (P-4)208 229208 229216 558216 558424 787
1114Programme Officer (P-3) (in kind by FAO)
1116Programme Officer – FAO (P-3)166 221166 221172 870172 870339 091
1117Programme Officer – FAO (P-3)166 221166 221172 870172 870339 091
1118Programme Officer – FAO (P-2)125 387125 387130 402130 402255 789
Transitional adjustment25 48025 48026 49926 49951 979
Subtotal Rotterdam Convention staff 1 969 208   1 782 984  
1199Total2 470 7001 969 2082 975 2507 415 1582 569 5281 782 9843 094 2607 446 77214 861 930
1201Consultant (PACE)20 00020 00020 00020 00040 000
Consultant (HSC codes)50 00050 00050 000
Consultant (E-waste technical guidelines)20 00020 00020 000
1202Consultant to develop generic inventory tool for collection of data on hazardous wastes40 00040 00040 000
1203Consultant for resource mobilization database (funded from fund balance)2 0002 0002 0006 0002 0002 0002 0006 00012 000
1204Consultants for resource kit10 00010 00010 00010 00020 000
1205Consultants (scientific support for Stockholm Convention)33 00033 0008 0008 00041 000
1206Consultants (clearing-house mechanism)80 00017 50015 500113 00080 00017 50015 500113 000226 000
1207Staff training
1299Total212 00029 50050 500292 000102 00029 50025 500157 000449 000
13Administrative support
1300General Service staff
1301Administrative Assistant (G-6) (by UNEP OTL)
1302Assistant (G-6)170 400170 400177 216177 216347 616
1303Meetings/Documents Assistant (G-6)170 400170 400177 216177 216347 616
1304Information Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1305Finance and Budget Assistant (G-6) (by UNEP OTL)
1306Programme Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
Subtotal Basel Convention staff613 400   637 936   
1301Meeting Conference Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1302Administrative Assistant (G-6)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1303Programme Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
OTLAdministrative Assistant HR (G-5) (by UNEP OTL)
1307Data entry clerk (G-4)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1308Research Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1320Programme Clerk (G-4)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
OTLFinance and Budget Assistant (G-6) (by UNEP OTL)
OTLIT/Database Assistant (G-5) (by UNEP OTL)
OTLPublication Clerk (G-4) (by UNEP OTL)
Subtotal Stockholm Convention staff *  817 800  850 512 
1302Information Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1304Programme Assistant (G-5)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1307GTA Conference Clerk (G-4)136 300136 300141 752141 752278 052
1311Secretary (0.25 in kind by FAO)
1312Secretary – FAO (G-5) (vacant)
1313Secretary – FAO (G-3) (in kind by FAO)
1314Secretary – FAO (G-4)119 508119 508124 289124 289243 797
Subtotal Rotterdam Convention staff528 408   549 545  
General Service staff subtotal613 400528 408817 8001 959 608637 936549 545850 5122 037 9933 997 601
1330Conference servicing
1321Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention522 527522 527522 527
1322Open-ended Working Group to the Basel Convention354 865354 865354 865
1323Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention80 00080 000442 527442 527522 527
1324Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee346 701346 701346 701346 701693 402
1325Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention90 00090 000432 527432 527522 527
1326Chemical Review Committee121 997121 997121 997121 997243 994
1327Donor round table meetings2 0002 0002 0006 0002 0002 0002 0006 00012 000
1328Conference servicing (regional centres)15 00015 00030 00030 000
1329Conference Servicing (partnerships)2 0002 0005 0005 0007 000
Conference servicing subtotal373 865213 997443 7011 031 563529 527556 524791 2281 877 2792 908 842
1399Total987 265742 4051 261 5012 991 1711 167 4631 106 0691 641 7403 915 2726 906 443
1600Travel on official business       
1601Official travel126 40095 457120 400342 25799 900147 621105 900353 421695 678
1699Total126 40095 457120 400342 25799 900147 621105 900353 421695 678
1999Component total3 796 3652 836 5704 407 65111 040 5863 938 8913 066 1744 867 40011 872 46522 913 051
20 Subcontract component  
2201Resource kit15 00015 00015 00015 00030 000
2202Pilot activities (regional centres)20 00020 00020 00020 00040 000
2203Clearing-house mechanism47 10010 00010 00067 10037 10010 00010 00057 100124 200
2299Total47 10025 00030 000102 10037 10025 00030 00092 100194 200
2999Component total47 10025 00030 000102 10037 10025 00030 00092 100194 200
30 Training component
3300Meetings: participants travel and DSA 
3301Bureau of Basel Convention34 93634 93634 936
3302Participation in joint bureau meetings: Basel Convention12 70412 70412 704
3303Implementation and Compliance Committee39 54539 54539 545
3304Technical expert group
3305Annual meeting of Basel Convection centres50 50050 50050 500
3306Bureau of Stockholm Convention25 40825 40825 408
3307Participation in joint bureau meetings: Stockholm Convention12 70412 70412 704
3308Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee111 596111 596111 596111 596223 192
3309Annual meeting of Stockholm Convention centres50 05050 05050 050
3310DDT Expert Group50 00050 00050 000
3311Global Monitoring Plan Global Coordination Group60 00060 00060 00060 000120 000
Implementation and Compliance Committee39 54539 54539 545
3312Bureau of Rotterdam Convention12 70412 70412 704
3313Participation in joint bureau meetings: Rotterdam Convention12 70412 70412 704
3314Chemical Review Committee92 31692 31692 31692 316184 632
3316Implementation and Compliance Committee39 54539 54539 545
3317Clearing-house mechanism20 00020 00020 00020 00040 000
 3399Total157 685157 269349 303664 25720 00092 316171 596283 912948 169
3999Component total157 685157 269349 303664 25720 00092 316171 596283 912948 169
40 Equipment and premises component         
 4100Expendable equipment         
4101Office supplies (Geneva-based Secretariat)7 0204 6807 80019 5007 3714 9148 19020 47539 975
4102Office supplies (Rome-based Secretariat)15 00015 00015 75015 75030 750
4103Software (training and capacity-building)15 00015 00015 00045 00015 00015 00015 00045 00090 000
4104Software/hardware (clearing-house mechanism))2 5002 5002 5007 5002 5002 5002 5007 50015 000
4199Total24 52037 18025 30087 00024 87138 16425 69088 725175 725
4200Non-expendable equipment
4201Non-expendable equipment (Geneva-based Secretariat)7 2004 8008 00020 0007 5605 0408 40021 00041 000
4202Non-expendable equipment (Rome-based Secretariat)5 0005 0005 2505 25010 250
4203Information technology equipment (Geneva-based Secretariat)38 80016 90038 80094 50038 80016 90038 80094 500189 000
4204Information technology equipment (Rome-based Secretariat)16 35016 35016 35016 35032 700
4299Total46 00043 05046 800135 85046 36043 54047 200137 100272 950
4301Office space, maintenance, utilities (Geneva-based Secretariat)76 75851 17285 286213 21680 59653 73089 551223 877437 093
4399Total76 75851 17285 286213 21680 59653 73089 551223 877437 093
4999Component total147 278131 402157 386436 066151 827135 434162 441449 702885 768
50 Miscellaneous component
5100Operation and maintenance of equipment
5101Maintenance of office equipment (Geneva-based Secretariat)5 5253 6836 13815 3465 8013 8676 44516 11331 459
5102Maintenance of office equipment (Rome-based Secretariat)
5199Total5 5253 6836 13815 3465 8013 8676 44516 11331 459
5200Reporting costs         
5201Publications48 00039 15054 200141 35038 00029 15044 200111 350252 700
5202Printing and translation (clearing-house mechanism)25 00012 00037 00025 00012 00037 00074 000
5203Information/public awareness materials (regional centres)5 0005 00010 0005 0005 00010 00020 000
5204PIC circular30 000––30 00030 00030 00060 000
5299Total78 00081 15059 200218 35068 00071 15049 200188 350406 700
5301Communications (Geneva-based Secretariat)52 23634 82458 040145 10054 84836 56560 942152 355297 455
5302Communications (Rome-based Secretariat)23 75023 75024 93824 93848 688
5399Total52 23658 57458 040168 85054 84861 50360 942177 293346 143
5401Hospitality5 0005 0005 00015 0005 0005 0005 00015 00030 000
5499Total5 0005 0005 00015 0005 0005 0005 00015 00030 000
5999Component total140 761148 407128 378417 546133 649141 520121 587396 756814 302
Direct project cost operational budget4 289 1883 298 6485 072 71912 660 5554 281 4663 460 4445 353 02413 094 93425 755 489
UNEP programme support costs 13%557 594428 824659 4531 645 872556 591449 858695 8931 702 3413 348 214
Total operational budget4 846 7833 727 4725 732 17214 306 4274 838 0573 910 3026 048 91714 797 27629 103 703
Basel Convention Trust Fund201220132012–2013 Total201420152014–2015 Total
Approved budget for the biennium 2012–20134 704 2264 640 2749 344 500
Proposed budget for the biennium 2014–20154 846 7834 838 0579 684 840
Approved average annual budget for the biennium 2012–20134 672 250
Proposed average annual budget for the biennium 2014–20154 842 420
Increase in the average annual budget3.64%
Deduction from reserve and fund balance (resource mobilization database $2,000 per year)200 000200 000400 0002 0002 0004 000
Increase in working capital reserve38 39938 39925 525
Covered by parties4 542 625 4 440 274 8 982 899 4 872 308 4 838 057 9 706 365
Percentage increase in contributions from year to year-2.90%-2.30%9.73%-0.70%
Average annual contributions for the biennium 2012–20134 491 450
Average annual contributions for the biennium 2014–20154 853 183
Increase in the average annual contributions8.05%
Working capital reserve based on the average operational budget for 2012–2013 (15%)700 838
Working capital reserve based on the average operational budget for 2014–2015 (15%)726 363
Rotterdam Convention Trust Fund201220132012–2013 Total201420152014–2015 Total
Approved budget for the biennium 2012–20133 732 8493 782 6797 515 528
Proposed budget for the biennium 2014–20153 727 4723 910 3027 637 774
Approved average annual budget for the biennium 2012–20133 757 764
Proposed average annual budget for the biennium 2014–20153 818 887
Increase in the average annual budget1.63%
Deduction from reserve and fund balance (resource mobilization database $2,000 per year)2 0002 0004 000
Increase in working capital reserve(15 421)(15 421)9 1689 168
Increment to the special contingency reserve: index to fluctuations in salary scales23 44920 40843 85725 07825 078
Grand total3 740 877 3 803 087 7 543 964 3 736 641 3 935 380 7 668 020
Host country contributions**1,200,000 euros per annum for the biennium 2014–2015, equal to 1,554,404 United States dollars based on the United Nations exchange rate of November 2012: 1.00 United States dollar = 0.772 euros. Calculated by using the average United Nations exchange rate between January 2012 and April 2013 (16 months), 1.00 United States dollar = 0.773 euros, equal to 1,552,393 United States dollars (calculated at the same level for both years).1 615 2001 615 2003 230 4001 358 3441 358 3442 716 689
Covered by parties2 125 677 2 187 887 4 313 564 2 378 296 2 577 035 4 951 332
Percentage increase in contributions from year to year-2.60%2.90%8.70%8.36%
Average annual contributions for the biennium 2012–20132 156 782
Average annual contributions for the biennium 2014–20152 475 666
Increase in the average annual contributions14.79%
Working capital reserve based on the average operational budget for 2012–2013 (15%)563 665
Working capital reserve based on the average operational budget for 2014–2015 (15%)572 833
Stockholm Convention Trust Fund201220132012–2013201420152014–2015
Approved budget for the biennium 2012–20135 779 5766 066 76111 846 337
Proposed budget for the biennium 2014–20155 732 1726 048 91711 781 089
Approved average annual budget for the biennium 2012–20135 923 169
Proposed average annual budget for the biennium 2014–20155 890 545
Increase in the average annual budget-0.55%
Deduction from reserve and fund balance (resource mobilization database $2,000 per year)300 000300 000600 0002 0002 0004 000
Increase in working capital reserve6 9926 992(2 708)(2 708)
Grand total5 486 5685 766 76111 253 3295 727 4646 046 91711 774 382
Host country contributions**Swiss contributions of 1,000,000 Swiss francs per annum for the biennium 2014–2015, equal to 1,075,269 United States dollars based on the United Nations exchange rate of November 2012: 1.00 United States dollar = 0.93 Swiss francs. Calculated by using the average United Nations exchange rate between January 2012 and April 2013 (16 months), 1.00 United States dollar = 0.935 Swiss francs, equal to 1,069,519 United States dollars (calculated at the same level for both years).1 366 1501 361 6702 727 8201 004 489995 6152 000 103
Covered by parties4 120 4184 405 0918 525 5094 722 9765 051 3029 774 278
Percentage increase in contributions from year to year2.20%6.90%7.22%6.95%
Average annual contributions for the biennium 2012–20134 262 755
Average annual contributions for the biennium 2014–20154 887 139
Increase in the average annual contributions14.65%
Working capital reserve based on the average operational budget for 2012–2013 (8.3%)491 623
Working capital reserve based on the average operational budget for 2014–2015 (8.3%)488 915
 Host country contributions 1 366 1501 361 6701 004 489995 615
 Assessed contributions 64 85069 33065 03073 904
 Total 1 431 0001 431 0001 069 5191 069 519
Table 3
C. - Programme of work for 2014–2015 funded through the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund of the Basel Convention (BD), the voluntary Special Trust Fund of the Rotterdam Convention (RV) and the voluntary Special Trust Fund of the Stockholm Convention (SV)
Voluntary budget for 2014–2015 (in United States dollars)
Summary table of total costs by budget code level and by convention trust fund
20142015 2014–2015 Total
10 Project personnel component         
 1100Professional staff         
 1101Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
1102Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
Subtotal Basel Convention staff 360 600375 024375 024 375 024
1101Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
Subtotal Rotterdam Convention staff180 300187 512187 512 187 512
1101Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
1102Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
1103Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
1104Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
1105Programme Officer P-3180 300180 300 187 512187 512 367 812
Subtotal Stockholm Convention staff901 500937 560937 560 937 560
1199 Total 360 600 180 300 901 500 1 442 400 375 024 187 512 937 560 1 500 096 2 942 496
1201Consultants – development of tools and methodologies30 00030 00030 00090 00032 50032 50035 000100 000 190 000
1202Consultants – capacity-building and training (BC)70 00070 00085 00085 000 155 000
1203Consultants – capacity-building and training (RC)139 000139 000141 000141 000 280 000
1204Consultants – capacity-building and training (SC)66 00066 00066 00066 000 132 000
1205Consultants – capacity-building and training (BC, RC, SC)60 00071 00055 000186 00055 00069 00060 000184 000 370 000
1206Consultants – partnerships100 00020 00020 000140 00080 00080 000 220 000
1207Consultants – technical guidelines80 00080 000160 00040 00040 00080 000 240 000
Consultants – technical guidelines (E-waste)30 00030 00030 000
Consultants – IMO70 00070 00070 000
1208Consultants – scientific support to RC8 0008 0008 0008 000 16 000
1209Consultants – scientific support to SC125 000125 00072 00072 000 197 000
1210Consultants – support development and maintenance of the reporting toos20 00020 00040 00017 00017 00034 000 74 000
1211Consultants – outreach and public awareness21 00021 00022 00064 00015 00015 00015 00045 000 109 000
1212Consultants – clearing-house mechanism
1213Consultants – CLI related activities150 000150 000150 000150 000 300 000
1299 Total 631 000 289 000 418 000 1 338 000 474 500 265 500 305 000 1 045 000 2 383 000
13Administrative support
1300 General Service staff
1301GTA Conference Clerk G-4136 300141 752
1302GTA Public Information Clerk G-4136 300 141 752 –  
 Subtotal Rotterdam Convention staff 272 600 272 600 283 504 283 504 556 104
1301GTA Programme Clerk G-4136 300 141 752  
Subtotal Stockholm Convention staff–   –   136 300 136 300 –   –   141 752 141 752 278 052
 General Service staff subtotal –   272 600 136 300 408 900  –   283 504 141 752 425 256 834 156
1330 Conference servicing
1321Conference servicing (regional centres)10 00010 00010 000  30 000   30 000
 Conference servicing subtotal  –    –    –    –     10 000   10 000   10 000   30 000   30 000
1399 Total  –   272 600 136 300 408 900   10 000 293 504 151 752 455 256 864 156
1600Travel on official business        –    –  
1601Staff travel – orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee3 0003 0003 000
1602Staff travel – capacity-building and training (BC)30 00030 00050 00050 00080 000
1603Staff travel – capacity-building and training (RC)113 500113 500123 500123 500237 000
1604Staff travel – capacity-building and training (SC)37 50037 50037 50037 50075 000
1605Staff travel – capacity -building and training (BC, RC, SC)30 00040 50025 00095 50030 00032 00030 00092 000187 500
1606Staff travel – regional centres5 0005 0005 00015 0005 0005 0005 00015 000 30 000
1607Staff travel – scientific support to the Basel Convention20 00020 00020 00020 00040 000
1608Staff travel – joint communication, outreach and public awareness2 4002 4002 4007 2005005006001 6008 800
1609Staff travel – clearing-house mechanism
1610Staff travel to meetings of enforcement partners15 00015 00015 00015 000 30 000
1699 Total 102 400 164 400 69 900 336 700 120 500 161 000 73 100 354 600 691 300
1999Component total1 094 000 906 300 1 525 700 3 526 000 980 024 907 516 1 467 412 3 354 952 6 880 952
20 Subcontract component
2201Development of tools and methodologies130 000130 000125 000385 00045 00045 00045 000135 000520 000
2202Capacity-building and training (BC)20 00020 00020 00020 000 40 000
2203Capacity-building and training (RC)10 00010 00010 00010 000 20 000
2204Capacity-building and training (BC, RC, SC)40 00040 00040 000120 00060 00060 00060 000180 000300 000
2205Partnerships110 00010 00010 000130 00010 00010 00010 00030 000160 000
2206Pilot joint activities (regional centres)35 00030 00035 000100 00035 00030 00035 000100 000200 000
2207Global Monitoring Plan300 000300 000100 000100 000400 000
2208Work programme of the Implementation and Compliance Committee60 00060 00060 00060 000120 000
2209Implementation Fund50 00050 00050 00050 000100 000
2210Transmission of information pursuant to Articles 3, 4 (1), 11 and 13 (2) of the Basel Convention35 00035 00035 00035 000 70 000
2211CAPCIT related activities60 00060 00060 00060 000120 000
2212Clearing-house mechanism
Emergency mechanism
2199 Total 540 000 220 000 510 000 1 270 000 375 000 155 000 250 000 780 000 2 050 000
2999Component total540 000 220 000 510 000 1 270 000 375 000 155 000 250 000 780 000 2 050 000
30 Training component         
 3200 Training          
 3201Training and capacity-building (BC)270 000270 000450 000450 000720 000
 3202Training and workshops (RC)546 500546 500731 500731 5001 278 000
 3203Training and workshops (SC)602 000602 000489 000489 0001 091 000
 3204Training and workshops (BC, RC, SC)85 000225 000150 000460 000150 000190 000166 000506 000966 000
 3205Workshops (partnerships)20 00020 00020 00020 00040 000
 3206Workshops (Global Monitoring Plan)60 00060 00060 00060 000120 000
 3207Clearing-house mechanism–  
 3208Outreach and public awareness200200200600200200200600   1 200
 3209Webinars10 50010 50010 50031 50010 50010 50010 50031 50063 000
 3210Video training130 000130 000130 000390 00015 00015 00015 00045 000435 000
 3299 Total 515 700 912 200  952 700 2 380 600 645 700 947 200 740 700 2 333 600 4 714 200
 3300Meetings: participants travel and DSA          
3301Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention820 400820 400820 400
3302Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention545 904545 904545 904
3303Implementation and Compliance Committee13 78513 78513 785
3304Meeting of CAPCIT members80 00080 00080 000
Technical expert group80 00080 00080 000
3305Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention820 400820 400820 400
3306Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee24 26024 26077 63277 632101 892
3307Expert group meetings (SC)–   –   40 00040 000–   –   60 00060 000100 000
3316Implementation and Compliance Committee  13 78513 785  13 785
3308Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention820 400820 400820 400
3309Orientation workshop for members of Chemical Review Committee55 14055 14055 140
3310Meetings: training and capacity-building (RC)414 000414 000433 000433 000847 000
3317Implementation and Compliance Committee13 78513 78513 785
3311Meeting of subsidiary bodies of the three conventions (Open-ended Working Group, Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and Chemical Review Committee)8 0008 0004 00020 00020 000
3312Meetings: training and capacity-building (BC, RC, SC)71 50071 50044 50044 500116 000
3313Partnerships147 50070 00077 500295 000145 50069 00075 500290 000585 000
3314Joint meetings of Basel and Stockholm regional centres35 00038 50073 50034 65034 65069 300142 800
3315Outreach and public awareness5 4005 4005 40016 20014 50014 50014 50043 50059 700
 3399 Total 915 589 637 825 203 445 1 756 859 1 015 050 1 381 400 1 082 682 3 479 132 5 235 991
3999Component total1 431 289 1 550 025 1 156 145 4 137 459 1 660 750 2 328 600 1 823 382 5 812 732 9 950 191
50 Miscellaneous component         
 5200Reporting costs         
5201Printing/translation (methodologies and tools for training)18 00018 00021 50057 50048 00048 00051 500147 500205 000
5202Information/public awareness materials (technical assistance)4 0004 0004 00012 0004 0004 0004 00012 00024 000
5203Information/public awareness materials (capacity- building (BC))30 00030 00030 00030 00060 000
5204Information/public awareness materials (capacity- building (RC))59 00059 00062 00062 000121 000
5205Information/public awareness materials (capacity‑building (SC))30 00030 00030 00030 00060 000
5206Information/public awareness materials (capacity‑building BC, RC, SC)21 00024 00024 00069 00021 00023 00021 00065 000134 000
5207Information/public awareness materials (partnerships)5 0005 00027 0001 0002 00030 00035 000
5208Information/public awareness materials (regional centres)15 00013 00015 00043 00015 00013 00015 00043 00086 000
5209Translation and e-publishing of technical guidelines10 00010 00020 00025 00025 00050 00070 000
5210Translation of notifications7 5007 5007 5007 50015 000
5211Translation/layout/editing (scientific support (SC))25 00025 0005 0005 00030 000
5212Translation of national reports on Basel Convention and Stockholm Convention reporting formats25 00010 00035 00025 00010 00035 00070 000
5213Printing/translation (clearing-house mechanism)
5214Translation/design/printing (publication related to cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization)10 00010 00010 00010 00020 000
5215Information/public awareness materials (resource mobilization)1 0001 0001 0003 0001 0001 0001 0003 0006 000
 5299 Total 139 000 126 500 140 500 406 000 206 000 159 500 164 500 530 000 936 000
 5301Other expenses (capacity-building (RC))23 50023 50024 50024 50048 000
5302Other expenses (capacity-building (BC, RC, SC))1 5001 5001 0001 0002 500
 5399 Total  –   25 000  –   25 000  –   25 500  –   25 500 50 500
5999Component total139 000 151 500 140 500 431 000 206 000 185 000 164 500 555 500 986 500
Direct project cost operational budget3 204 289 2 827 825 3 332 345 9 364 459 3 221 774 3 576 116 3 705 294    10 503 184    19 867 643
UNEP programme support costs 13%416 558 367 617 433 205 1 217 380 418 831 464 895 481 688 1 365 414 2 582 794
Total operational budget3 620 847 3 195 442 3 765 550    10 581 839 3 640 605 4 041 011 4 186 982    11 868 598    22 450 437
Basel Convention Technical Cooperation Trust Fund (BD)201220132012–2013 Total201420152014–2015 Total
Programme requirements approved for the biennium 2012–20135 147 8285 341 05810 488 886
Programme requirements for the biennium 2014–20153 620 8473 640 6057 261 451
Approved average annual budget for the biennium 2012–20135 244 443
Proposed average annual budget for the biennium 2014–20153 630 726
Decrease in the average annual budget     30.77%
Special Trust Fund for the Rotterdam Convention (RV)201220132012–2013 Total201420152014–2015 Total
Programme requirements approved for the biennium 2012–20131 983 1502 058 2954 041 445
Programme requirements for the biennium 2014–20153 195 4424 041 0117 236 453
Approved average annual budget for the biennium 2012–20132 020 723
Proposed average annual budget for the biennium 2014–20153 618 227
Increase in the average annual budget     79.06%
Special Trust Fund for the Stockholm Convention (SV)201220132012–2013 Total201420152014–2015 Total
Programme requirements approved for the biennium 2012­–20134 750 5204 287 2209 037 740
Programme requirements for the biennium 2014–20153 765 5504 186 9827 952 532
Approved average annual budget for the biennium 2012–20134 518 870
Proposed average annual budget for the biennium 2014–20153 976 266
Increase in the average annual budget     -12.01%
Table 4
D. - Indicative scale of assessments for the General Trust Fund for Basel (BC) for the operational budget for the biennium 2014-2015 (in United States dollars)
Portion of operational budget to be covered by assessed contributions:201420154 872 3084 838 057
PartyUnited Nations  scale of assessment 2013****United Nations scale of assessments for the 2014–2015 period as per resolution 67/238 adopted at the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly on 24 December 2012.Adjusted scale of contributions with 22 per cent ceiling and no least developed country paying more than 0.01 per centAssessed contributions to be covered by the parties 2014Assessed contributions to be covered by the parties 2015
No.PercentagePercentageUnited States dollarsUnited States dollars
1Afghanistan******New parties that have ratified the Convention after posting of programme of work document in 2013.0.0050.0063305303
3Algeria0.1370.17138 3498 290
5Antigua and Barbuda0.0020.0025122121
6Argentina0.4320.540326 32726 142
8Australia2.0742.5939126 394125 505
9Austria0.7980.998148 63248 290
10Azerbaijan0.040.052 4382 421
11Bahamas0.0170.02131 0361 029
12Bahrain0.0390.04882 3772 360
15Belarus0.0560.073 4133 389
16Belgium0.9981.248260 82060 393
20Bolivia (Plurinational State of)0.0090.0113548545
21Bosnia and Herzegovina0.0170.02131 0361 029
22Botswana0.0170.02131 0361 029
23Brazil2.9343.6695178 804177 547
24Brunei Darussalam0.0260.03251 5841 573
25Bulgaria0.0470.05882 8642 844
26Burkina Faso0.0030.0038183182
30Canada2.9843.7321181 851180 573
31Cape Verde0.0010.00136161
33Central African Republic0.0010.00136161
34Chile0.3340.417720 35520 212
35China5.1486.4385313 730311 524
36Colombia0.2590.323915 78415 673
39Cook Islands0.0010.00136161
40Costa Rica0.0380.04752 3162 300
41Côte d’Ivoire0.0110.0138670666
42Croatia0.1260.15767 6797 625
43Cuba0.0690.08634 2054 175
44Cyprus0.0470.05882 8642 844
45Czech Republic0.3860.482823 52423 358
46Democratic People’s Republic of Korea0.0060.0075366363
47Democratic Republic of the Congo0.0030.0038183182
48Denmark0.6750.844241 13640 847
51Dominican Republic0.0450.05632 7422 723
52Ecuador0.0440.0552 6812 663
53Egypt0.1340.16768 1668 109
54El Salvador0.0160.02975968
55Equatorial Guinea0.010.01487484
57Estonia0.040.052 4382 421
59Finland0.5190.649131 62931 407
60France5.5936.9951340 849338 453
61Gabon0.020.0251 2191 210
64Germany7.1418.9312435 187432 128
66Greece0.6380.797938 88138 608
67Guatemala0.0270.03381 6451 634
72Hungary0.2660.332716 21116 097
73Iceland0.0270.03381 6451 634
74India0.6660.83340 58740 302
75Indonesia0.3460.432721 08620 938
76Iran (Islamic Republic of)0.3560.445221 69521 543
77Iraq0.0680.0854 1444 115
78Ireland0.4180.522825 47425 295
79Israel0.3960.495324 13323 963
80Italy4.4485.5631271 070269 165
82Japan10.83313.5487660 185655 544
83Jordan0.0220.02751 3411 331
84Kazakhstan0.1210.15137 3747 322
87Kuwait0.2730.341416 63716 520
89Lao People’s Democratic Republic0.0020.0025122121
90Latvia0.0470.05882 8642 844
91Lebanon0.0420.05252 5602 542
94Libya0.1420.17768 6548 593
96Lithuania0.0730.09134 4494 417
97Luxembourg0.0810.10134 9364 902
100Malaysia0.2810.351417 12517 004
104Marshall Islands0.0010.00136161
107Mexico1.8422.3038112 255111 466
108Micronesia (Federated States of )0.0010.00136161
112Morocco0.0620.07753 7783 752
117Netherlands1.6542.0686100 798100 090
118New Zealand0.2530.316415 41815 310
121Nigeria0.090.11265 4855 446
122Norway0.8511.064351 86251 497
123Oman0.1020.12766 2166 172
124Pakistan0.0850.10635 1805 144
126Panama0.0260.03251 5841 573
127Papua New Guinea0.0040.005244242
129Peru0.1170.14637 1307 080
130Philippines0.1540.19269 3859 319
131Poland0.9211.151956 12855 733
132Portugal0.4740.592828 88728 683
133Qatar0.2090.261412 73712 647
134Republic of Korea1.9942.4939121 518120 664
135Republic of Moldova0.0030.0038183182
136Romania0.2260.282713 77313 676
137Russian Federation2.4383.0492148 577147 532
139Saint Kitts and Nevis0.0010.00136161
140Saint Lucia0.0010.00136161
141Saint Vincent and the Grenadines0.0010.00136161
142Saudi Arabia0.8641.080652 65452 284
145Serbia0.040.052 4382 421
147Singapore0.3840.480323 40223 237
148Slovakia0.1710.213910 42110 348
149Slovenia0.10.12516 0946 051
151South Africa0.3720.465322 67022 511
152Spain2.9733.7183181 181179 907
153Sri Lanka0.0250.03131 5241 513
157Sweden0.961.200758 50458 093
158Switzerland1.0471.309563 80663 358
159Syrian Arab Republic0.0360.0452 1942 178
160Thailand0.2390.298914 56514 463
161The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia0.0080.01488484
164Trinidad and Tobago0.0440.0552 6812 663
165Tunisia0.0360.0452 1942 178
166Turkey1.3281.660980 93180 362
167Turkmenistan0.0190.02381 1581 150
169Ukraine0.0990.12386 0335 991
170United Arab Emirates0.5950.744236 26136 006
171United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland5.1796.4773315 619313 400
172United Republic of Tanzania0.0090.0113548545
173Uruguay0.0520.0653 1693 147
175Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)0.6270.784238 21137 942
176Viet Nam0.0420.05252 5602 542
179Zimbabwe**New parties that have ratified the Convention.0.0020.0025122121
180European Community2.52.5121 817120 961
Total801004 872 3084 838 057
Table 5
E. - Indicative staffing table for the Secretariat for the biennium 2014–2015
Funded from the general trust funds (used for costing purposes)
Staff category and levelApproved 2012–2013 Basel Approved 2012–2013 Rotterdam  Approved 2012–2013 Stockholm Total approved 2012–2013 BRSTotal proposed 2014–2015 BRSRemarks
A. Professional category
D-21.25 1)
D- 1.00
P- 8.00 2)
P- 9.00 3)
P- 15.00
P- 4.00
Subtotal A:12.00 6.25 7.75 14.0013.00 39.00 38.25  
B. General Service category  
GS7.001.254.505.758.0020.75 21.25 4)
Subtotal B:7.00 1.25 4.50 5.758.00 20.75 21.25  
Total (A+B):19.00 7.50 12.25 19.75 21.00 59.75 59.50  
NOTE1. The in-kind contribution from FAO reflects the upgrade of 0.25 D-1 to 0.25 D-2.
2. One P-5 retiring July 2014 (RC), one P-5 retiring October 2015 (BC), one P-5 retiring July 2017 (BC) and one P-5 retiring December 2017 (BC).
3. Two administrative officers funded via programme support costs (1 BC, 0.5 RC and 0.5 SC).
4. One GS retiring July 2014 (BC) and one GS retiring September 2015 (SC). Five GS positions funded from the programme support costs.
Funded from the voluntary special/technical cooperation trust funds (used for costing purposes)
Staff category and levelApproved 2012–2013 BRSTotal proposed 2014–2015 BRS
A. Professional category
Subtotal A:8.00
B. General Service category 
Subtotal B:3.00
Total (A+B):11.00
Standard amounts used for calculating salary costs for Geneva and Rome for the biennium 2014–2015 (in United States dollars)
Duty station: Geneva
Staff category and level201220132014**United Nations standard salary costs for Geneva for the year 2013 were used to calculate the staff costs in 2014 (United Nations standard salary costs version 21 dated 17 January 2013).2015*****Staff costs for 2015 were estimated by using the figure for 2014 plus 4 per cent.
A.Professional category
D-2297 336309 400309 400321 776
D-1273 416288 500288 500300 040
P-5244 088254 800254 800264 992
P-4206 336216 400216 400225 056
P-3172 432180 300180 300187 512
P-2135 928144 800144 800150 592
B.General Service category
GS-6162 240170 400170 400177 216
GS-5125 216136 300136 300141 752
Duty station: Rome
Staff category and level201220132014**FAO standard salary costs for Rome for the year 2012 (version June 2012) were used to calculate the staff costs in 2014.2015****Staff costs for 2015 were estimated by using the figure for 2014 plus 4 per cent.
A.Professional category
D-2278 796289 948289 948301 546
D-1264 036274 597274 597285 581
P-5229 664238 851238 851248 405
P-4200 220208 229208 229216 558
P-3159 828166 221166 221172 870
P-2120 564125 387125 387130 402
B.General Service category
GS-5114 912119 508119 508124 289
Annex IIList of pre-session documents organized by agenda item
Item 2: Adoption of the agenda
UNEP/CHW.11/1Provisional agenda
Item 3: Organizational matters
(a) - Election of officers
UNEP/CHW.11/2Election of officers
(b) - Organization of work
UNEP/CHW.11/1/Add.1Annotations to the provisional agenda
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/INF/1/Rev.1Scenario note for the ordinary and simultaneous extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/INF/2/Rev.1Tentative schedule of work for the ordinary and simultaneous extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/INF/3Information on the high-level segment of the ordinary and simultaneous extraordinary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/1Provisional list of meeting documents organized by provisional agenda item and by document symbol
(c) - Report on the credentials of representatives to the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/INF/15Status of ratification of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
Item 4: Matters related to the implementation of the Convention
(a) - Strategic issues:
(i) - Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/3Follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country‑led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.1/Rev.1Draft framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes
UNEP/CHW.11/3/Add.2Providing further legal clarity: draft glossary of certain terms
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/2Report on the implementation of the Basel Convention as it relates to the interpretation of certain terminology
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/3Study on used and end-of-life goods
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/4Providing further legal clarity: comments on the draft glossary of certain terms
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/5Comments on options for the interpretation of terms
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/34Communication from the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs on the number of parties to the Basel Convention at the time of adoption of the Ban Amendment
(ii) - Strategic framework
UNEP/CHW.11/4Report on progress on the implementation of the Strategic Framework
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/6Report on the creation of a baseline for the mid-term and final evaluations of the strategic framework
(b) - Scientific and technical matters:
(i) - Technical guidelines
UNEP/CHW.11/7Technical guidelines
UNEP/CHW.11/7/Add.1Technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste), in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/16The experience of parties in using technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of used tyres, of wastes consisting of elemental mercury and wastes containing or contaminated with mercury and of co-processing of hazardous waste in cement kilns
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/33Progress report on the implementation of the programme of work for the development, review and updating of technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants
(ii) - Amendments to the annexes to the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/8Applications for new entries to Annex IX to the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/17Comments received from parties on applications for new entries to Annex IX to the Basel Convention
(iii) - Classification and hazard characterization of wastes
UNEP/CHW.11/9Classification and hazard characterization of wastes: review of cooperation with the World Customs Organization and its Harmonized System Committee
(iv) - National reporting
UNEP/CHW.11/13National reporting
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/19Additional information on national reporting
(c) - Legal, compliance and governance matters:
(i) - Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/10Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/10/Add.1Terms of reference for cooperative arrangements on preventing and combating illegal traffic
UNEP/CHW.11/11Membership of the Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/14Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention: classification and publication of parties’ individual compliance performance with regard to the annual reporting obligation
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/18Committee for Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention: selected documents
(ii) - National legislation, notifications, enforcement of the Convention and efforts to combat illegal traffic
UNEP/CHW.11/12National legislation, notifications, enforcement of the Convention and efforts to combat illegal traffic
(d) - Technical assistance:
(i) - Capacity-building
UNEP/CHW.11/15Technical assistance and capacity-building for the implementation of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/21Programme for the delivery of technical assistance for the implementation of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/31Capacity-building and training activities organized by the Secretariat from May 2011 to December 2012
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/32Basel Convention capacity-building and training activities planned by the Secretariat for 2013
(ii) - Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres
UNEP/CHW.11/5Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres
UNEP/CHW.11/5/Add.1Process for evaluating the performance and sustainability of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/8Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres: business plans for the biennium 2012–2013
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/9Activity reports for the period 2011–2012 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/10Business plans for the biennium 2014–2015 by Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres
(iii) - Implementation of decision V/32 on the enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/14Implementation of decision V/32 on the enlargement of the scope of the Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/20Report on the implementation of decision V/32 in responding to emergency situations
(e) - International cooperation, coordination and partnerships:
(i) - Basel Convention Partnership Programme
UNEP/CHW.11/6Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment
UNEP/CHW.11/6/Add.1/Rev.1Revised guidance document on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life computing equipment
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/11Progress report by the co-chairs of the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment Working Group
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/12/Rev.1Guideline on environmentally sound testing, refurbishment and repair of used computing equipment
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/13/Rev.1Guideline on environmentally sound material recovery and recycling of end‑of‑life computing equipment
(ii) - Environmentally sound dismantling of ships
UNEP/CHW.11/16Environmentally sound dismantling of ships
(iii) - Cooperation with the International Maritime Organization
UNEP/CHW.11/17Cooperation between the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/22Legal analysis of the application of the Basel Convention to hazardous and other wastes generated on board ships
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/23Comments from parties and others on the legal analysis of the application of the Basel Convention to hazardous and other wastes generated on board ships
(iv) - Other international cooperation and coordination
UNEP/CHW.11/18International cooperation and coordination
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/24Report on international cooperation and coordination and on the Basel Convention Partnership Programme
(f) - Resource mobilization and financial resources
UNEP/CHW.11/19Implementation of the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties on resource mobilization and sustainable financing
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/25Additional information on the implementation of the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties on resource mobilization and sustainable financing
(g) - Operations and work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2014–2015
UNEP/CHW.11/20Operations and work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2014–2015
UNEP/CHW.11/20/Add.1Options for operations of the Open-ended Working Group
Item 5: Programme of work of the Secretariat and adoption of the budget
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/3Programmes of work and proposed budgets for the biennium 2014–2015: combined proposal, including joint activities
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/INF/11Programmes of work and proposed budgets for the biennium 2014–2015
UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS.2/INF/12Programmes of work and proposed budgets for the biennium 2014–2015: budget activity fact sheets
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/7Activities undertaken by the Secretariat pertaining to the Basel Convention from 1 October 2011 to 31 December 2012
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/26Programme of work and proposed budget for the biennium 2014–2015: Basel Convention proposal, including joint activities
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/27Information on financial matters
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/28Implementation of the Basel Convention programme budget for 2012
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/29Updated information on financial matters
Item 7: Other matters
UNEP/CHW.11/21Official communications
UNEP/CHW.11/22Admission of observers
UNEP/CHW.11/23Draft memorandum of understanding between the United Nations Environment Programme and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/15Further development of the Basel Waste Solutions Circle
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/30/Rev.1Admission of observers to meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.11/INF/35Submission by the United Nations Environment Programme on a draft memorandum of understanding between the United Nations Environment Programme and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal