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The Conference of the Parties,
Noting the priority areas for action recognized in decision SC-8/18 on effectiveness evaluation as they relate to the global monitoring plan,
1.Takes note of the report on the meetings of the global coordination group;11See UNEP/POPS/COP.8/INF/39.
2.Welcomes the second global monitoring report2 and the conclusions and recommendations of the global coordination group in the executive summary of that report;32UNEP/POPS/COP.8/INF/38.3UNEP/POPS/COP.8/21/Add.1.
3.Adopts the revised terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group set out in the annex to the present decision;
4.Requests the regional organization groups and the global coordination group to continue to implement the global monitoring plan according to the revised terms of reference and mandate referred to in paragraph 3 above, taking into account the conclusions and recommendations referred to in paragraph 2 above;
5.Requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources:
(a)To continue to support the work of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group in the implementation of the third phase of the global monitoring plan;
(b)To continue to support training and capacity‑building activities to assist Parties, in particular developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition, in implementing the global monitoring plan for subsequent effectiveness evaluations and to work with partners and other relevant organizations to undertake implementation activities;
6.Encourages Parties to consider the conclusions and recommendations referred to in paragraph 2 above and to engage actively in the implementation of the global monitoring plan and the effectiveness evaluation, in particular:
(a)To continue to monitor the core media of air and human breast milk or human blood and, for those Parties in a position to do so, to initiate monitoring of perfluorooctane sulfonate in surface water in support of future evaluations, and to share the resulting monitoring data through their respective regional organization groups;
(b)To support the further development and long-term implementation of the global monitoring plan if in a position to do so.
Annex to decision SC-8/19Revised terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group referred to in the annex to decision SC-4/31
A. - Regional organization groups
1.Regional organization groups were established in the five United Nations regions by decision SC-3/19. The main objective of the regional organization groups is to define and implement the strategy for regional information gathering, including facilitating capacity‑enhancement activities, and to produce the regional monitoring reports.
1. - Membership
2.The terms of membership are as follows:
(a)Members are appointed for a minimum six‑year period beginning after the Conference of the Parties has considered the report of an evaluation and ending after the results of the following evaluation are considered by the Conference;
(b)To maintain continuity, members may renew their terms for subsequent evaluations;
(c)If a member steps down, Parties from the region in question should nominate a new member with expertise in monitoring and data evaluation, submitting the nomination to theSecretariat through the Bureau members from their region.
2. - Tasks
3.The tasks of each regional organization group will be guided by the recommendations put forward in the report of the co-chairs of the coordination group4 andwill include, among other things:4UNEP/POPS/COP.4/31, annex.
(a)Coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the regional monitoring plan, taking into account the work already achieved;
(b)Identifying where existing suitable monitoring data are and are not available;
(c)Promoting and updating as necessary the regional strategy for implementation of the global monitoring plan;
(d)Promoting and helping to maintain regional, subregional and interregional monitoring networks and extending them as necessary to improve geographic coverage;
(e)Coordinating with Parties involved in sampling and analytical arrangements;
(f)Ensuring compliance with protocols for quality assurance and quality control, noting the examples described in the guidance on the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants for sample collection and analytical methodologies, for data archiving and accessibility and for trend analysis methodologies to ensure quality and allow comparability of data;
(g)Ensuring and improving internal consistency of the methods and comparability of the data within a particular programme over time;
(h)Maintaining the interaction with other regional organization groups and the Secretariat, as appropriate;
(i)Identifying further capacity‑enhancement needs in its region;
(j)Assisting, for the purpose of filling gaps, in the preparation of project proposals, including through strategic partnerships;
(k)Preparing a summary of experiences in implementing the duties assigned in subparagraphs (h) and (j) above for transmission to the coordination group via the Secretariat;
(l)Preparing regional reports including, where appropriate, information from Antarctica;
(m)Encouraging transparency of communication and information dissemination within and between regions, noting the need for stakeholder involvement;
(n)Nominating for each evaluation cycle three of its members to serve in the global coordination group.
B. - Global coordination group
4.The main objective of the global coordination group is to assist the Secretariat in coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the global monitoring plan and to produce the global monitoring report.
5.The global coordination group will comprise three members from each region, nominated by the respective regional organization groups, and will meet at least twice during the evaluation periodto perform the following tasks:
(a)Assisting the Secretariat in coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the global monitoring plan, taking into account the work already undertaken;
(b)Assessing regional work with the aim of achieving consistency between regions;
(c)Identifying impediments to the implementation of the global monitoring plan and actions to tackle them;
(d)Updating the guidance on the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants in the light of the listing of new chemicals in the annexes to the Convention, with the assistance of invited experts, as necessary;
(e)Establishing a coordinated cross-regional approach to analysing and assessing data on regional and global environmental transport, considering current international efforts;55For example, the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution of the Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution or any other body studying global transport of persistent organic pollutants.
(f)Nominating one of its members to serve on the effectiveness evaluation committee;
(i)Experience-sharing within and between regions;
(ii)Capacity‑enhancement to fill gaps in coverage for the core media where possible;
(iii)Comparability between air monitoring programmes in support of modelling and assessment of the global long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants;
(iv)Awareness of the results of the global monitoring plan;
(h)Reporting on the results of the global monitoring plan by means of a global monitoring report,6 including:6UNEP/POPS/COP.4/31, annex.
(i)Compilation of the results from the regional monitoring reports;
(ii)Evaluation and assessment of changes in persistent organic pollutant levels over time;
(iii)Assessment of long-range transport and the effect of variable climate and meteorology on observed trends for persistent organic pollutants;
(i)Evaluating the global monitoring plan and developing recommendations for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at the end of each evaluation phase and reporting on the following matters:
(i)Role, membership and activities of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group in support of subsequent effectiveness evaluations;
(iii)Need for further updating of the global monitoring plan, the implementation plan and the guidance on the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants as the Convention itself evolves;
(iv)Need for further capacity enhancement of Parties on a regional basis;
(v)Any other issues relevant for the implementation of further evaluations.
C. - Schedule
6.Monitoring data gathered through the global monitoring plan are compiled and analysed every six years in the regional monitoring reports and the global monitoring report. The global monitoring report is developed on the basis of the regional monitoring reports and constitutes one of the major sources of information for the effectiveness evaluation under Article 16 of the Stockholm Convention.
7.While activities under the global monitoring plan are ongoing throughout the six-year evaluation cycles, effectiveness evaluations are conducted during the last two years of the evaluation cycles.
8.The global monitoring report is made available to the effectiveness evaluation committee by 31 January of the year preceding the meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which the effectiveness evaluation is to be completed. It is submitted for consideration by the Conference of the Parties two years after the submission of the regional reports, at the same meeting at which the Conference of the Parties is to consider the effectiveness evaluation report.