Target 12.a
Target 12.a
Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production
Amount of support to developing countries on research and development for sustainable consumption and production and environmentally sound technologies
Alignments and linkages
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Target 4.2:
By 2029, Parties have the technical capacity needed to effectively implement the Convention, its Resolutions and Decisions. Explanation: Parties identify, with the support of the Secretariat and the Scientific Council, the capacity-building activities needed to ensure implementation of the CMS, its Resolutions and Decisions and associated guidance. This can include Party-to-Party support or CMS Secretariat-led support, if possible, and should focus on the use of innovative and cost-effective methods that can be applied globally.
Target 5.3:
Parties use best available science as the basis for evidence-based advice and decision-making to address the conservation of migratory species,their habitats and threats under CMS. Explanation: Parties commit to use the best available science for decision-making and share information to ensure adequate implementation of the CMS mandate. Through the COP and its subsidiary bodies, Parties collaboratively ensure there is adequate monitoring of the implementation of the CMS mandate and agree to modify, improve or cancel existing initiatives based on best available science, with the aim of increasing their efficiency and impact.
Target 16: Enable Sustainable Consumption Choices To Reduce Waste and Overconsumption:
Ensure that people are encouraged and enabled to make sustainable consumption choices, including by establishing supportive policy, legislative or regulatory frameworks, improving education and access to relevant and accurate information and alternatives, and by 2030, reduce the global footprint of consumption in an equitable manner, including through halving global food waste, significantly reducing overconsumption and substantially reducing waste generation, in order for all people to live well in harmony with Mother Earth.