This Regulation supplements the rules on surveillance, eradication programmes and disease-free status for certain listed and emerging diseases of terrestrial, aquatic and other animals as provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429. Rules on surveillance of diseases and emerging diseases are laid down under Chapter 1 of Part II, in relation to: (a) the design of the surveillance including the targeted animal population and the diagnostic methods; (b) the disease confirmation and the case definition; (c) European Union surveillance programmes.
Chapter 2 of Part II lays down the rules for eradication programmes for the diseases of terrestrial animals in relation to: (a) the disease control strategy, the territory, the animal populations, the targets and the period of application; (b) the obligations of operators and competent authorities; (c) the disease control measures in the event of suspicion and of confirmation. Chapter 3 of Part II concerns the eradication programmes for the diseases of aquatic animals.
Moreover, Chapter 4 of Part II of this sets out the rules for disease-free status with regard to certain diseases of terrestrial and aquatic animals, concerning : (a) the criteria for the approval of the disease-free status of Member States and zones; (b) the criteria for the approval of the disease-free status for compartments keeping aquaculture animals; (c) the criteria for the maintenance of the disease-free status; (d) the suspension, the withdrawal and the restoration of disease-free status.
Chapter 2 of Part II lays down the rules for eradication programmes for the diseases of terrestrial animals in relation to: (a) the disease control strategy, the territory, the animal populations, the targets and the period of application; (b) the obligations of operators and competent authorities; (c) the disease control measures in the event of suspicion and of confirmation. Chapter 3 of Part II concerns the eradication programmes for the diseases of aquatic animals.
Moreover, Chapter 4 of Part II of this sets out the rules for disease-free status with regard to certain diseases of terrestrial and aquatic animals, concerning : (a) the criteria for the approval of the disease-free status of Member States and zones; (b) the criteria for the approval of the disease-free status for compartments keeping aquaculture animals; (c) the criteria for the maintenance of the disease-free status; (d) the suspension, the withdrawal and the restoration of disease-free status.
An unofficial consolidated version of the present Regulation as amended last by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/881 of 23 March 2021 is attached.
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for surveillance, eradication programmes, and disease-free status for certain listed and emerging diseases.
European Union
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