Activities | Responsibilities | Timeline | Deliverables/outputs | Level of implementation |
D.1 Share experience and support capacity-building on gender budgeting, including on the integration of gender-responsive budgeting into national budgets to advance gender-responsive climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate | Parties, secretariat, relevant organizations | 31 July 2022 | Submissions | International |
Leading: relevant organizationsContributing: Parties, national gender and climate change focal points, secretariat, relevant national finance and budgeting entities, any other relevant entity | 2022 | Expert group meeting | International, regional, national |
Leading: secretariatContributing: relevant organizations | COP 28 (2022) | Gender Day theme | International |
D.2 Raise awareness of the financial and technical support available for promoting the strengthening of gender integration into climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate, including good practices to facilitate access to climate finance for grass-roots women’s organizations and indigenous peoples and local communities | Leading: secretariat, PartiesContributing: Adaptation Fund, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, private sector, philanthropic financial institutions, other relevant organizations | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Webinars, communication materials, in-session workshops | International, regional, national |
D.3 Promote the deployment of gender-responsive technological solutions to address climate change, including strengthening, protecting and preserving local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices in different sectors and for improving climate resilience, and by fostering women’s and girls’ full participation and leadership in science, technology, research and development | Leading: Parties, relevant organizations, constituted bodiesContributing: secretariat | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Workshops, capacity-building initiatives, webinars | International, regional, national |
D.4 Support the collection and consolidation of information and expertise on gender and climate change in sectors and thematic areas as well as identifying experts on gender and climate change, as needed, and enhance knowledge platforms on gender and climate change | Leading: Parties, relevant organizationsContributing: secretariat | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Knowledge and expertise platforms on gender and climate change | International, regional, national |
D.5 Engage women’s groups and national women and gender institutions in the process of developing, implementing and updating climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate, at all levels | Parties, relevant organizations | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Engagement of women’s groups and national women and gender institutions in developing and implementing climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate | National |
Parties, relevant organizations | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Peer-to-peer exchange on country experience and needs | Regional |
Parties, relevant organizations | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Open call for submissions to share experience | International, national |
D.6 Exchange information on lessons learned among Parties that have integrated gender into national climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate (e.g. information on results, impacts and main challenges), and on the actions that Parties are taking to mainstream gender in any updates thereto, as appropriate | Parties, relevant organizations | 31 March 2020 | Submissions on lessons learned | International, national |
Leading: secretariatContributing: national gender and climate change focal points, relevant organizations | SB 52 (2020) | In-session workshop on lessons learned and actions taken in any updates | International |
Secretariat | SB 53 (2020) | Informal workshop report | International |
Leading: relevant organizationsContributing: secretariat, national gender and climate change focal points | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Workshops, dialogues, training expert meetings | Regional, national |
D.7 Enhance the availability of sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis, taking into consideration multidimensional factors, to better inform gender-responsive climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate | Leading: relevant organizations, Parties | Ongoing to COP 30 (2024) | Management and availability of sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis in national systems, as appropriate | National |