Activity numbera | Activity | Estimated timeline for implementation | Responsible actor | Modalities/outputs |
a | Provide capacity-building to the Chairs and members of UNFCCC constituted bodies and technical teams of the secretariat on how to integrate gender considerations into their respective areas of work and on meeting the goal of gender balance (decision 3/CP.23) | SB 52 (June 2020) | KCI | Workshop |
b | Consideration of the KCI annual report by the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures (decision 7/CMA.1, annex, para. 4(j)) | SB 53 (November 2020), SB 55 (November 2021), SB 57 (November 2022), SB 59 (November 2023), SB 61 (November 2024) and SB 63 (2025) | KCI | Prepare annual report |
Forum | Consider annual report |
c | Midterm review of this workplan, starting from SB 56 (June 2022) (decision 7/CMA.1, para. 10) | SB 56 | Forum | Conclusions/draft decisions |
d | Prepare information for the technical assessment component of the global stocktake related to the impacts of the implementation of response measures (decision 19/CMA.1, paras. 8 and 24) | SB 56 and SB 57 | Forum | Forward an outcome document for consideration in the technical assessment of the global stocktake |
e | Review of the functions, work programme and modalities of the forum at SB 59 (decision 7/CMA.1, para. 6) | SB 58 (June 2023) and SB 59 | Forum | Prepare guiding questions for the reviewReceive and consider the review |
1 | Explore approaches to informing the development and implementation of climate change mitigation strategies, plans, policies and programmes, including nationally determined contributions and/or long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies, that maximize the positive and minimize the negative impactsb of response measures | SB 52 | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations |
Forum | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsAwareness-building and enhancing information-sharing through the exchange and sharing of experience and best practices |
2 | Identify country-driven strategies and best practices on just transition of the workforce and creation of decent work and quality jobs and on economic diversification and transformation focusing on challenges and opportunities from the implementation of low greenhouse gas emission policies and strategies towards the achievement of sustainable development | SB 54 (May–June 2021) and SB 58 | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsConcrete examples |
SB 58 | Forum | Awareness-building and enhancing information-sharing through the exchange and sharing of experience and best practicesIn-session workshop |
3 | Facilitate the development, enhancement, customization and use of tools and methodologies for modelling and assessing the impacts of the implementation of response measures, including identifying and reviewing existing tools and approaches in data-poor environments, in consultation with technical experts, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders | SB 53 and onward, as decided by the forum/KCI | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsTechnical paper |
Forum | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsAwareness-building and enhancing information-sharing through the exchange and sharing of experience and best practicesOrganizing a regional workshop |
4 | Enhance the capacity and understanding of Parties, through collaboration and input from stakeholders, on the assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures to facilitate the undertaking of economic diversification and transformation and just transition | SB 52 and SB 63 | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsTechnical paper |
Forum | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsAwareness-building and enhancing information-sharing through the exchange and sharing of experience and best practices |
5 | Build awareness and understanding of Parties and other stakeholders to assess the economic impacts of potential new industries and businesses resulting from the implementation of response measures with a view to maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative impacts of the implementation of response measures | SB 57 | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsTechnical paper |
Forum | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsAwareness-building and enhancing information-sharing through the exchange and sharing of experience and best practices |
6 | Promote the availability and use of guidelines and policy frameworks to assist Parties in promoting just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs within and across sectors, including training, retooling, retraining and reskilling systems and stakeholder engagement strategies | SB 60 (June 2024) | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations |
Forum | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsExchange and sharing of experience and best practices |
7 | Facilitate the development and exchange of regional, country- and/or sector-specific case studies and approaches on (1) economic diversification and transformation and just transition of the workforce and creation of decent work and quality jobs, and (2) assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures with a view to understanding the positive and negative impacts | SB 59 and onward, as decided by the forum/KCI | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsKCI to examine existing case studies and identify an area where it may develop a case study, as appropriate. |
Forum | Exchange and sharing of experience and best practices |
8 | Identify and exchange experiences and best practices in engaging the private sector, including small and medium-sized enterprises and public–private partnerships, to facilitate the creation of decent work and quality jobs in low greenhouse gas emission sectors | SB 59 | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsTechnical paper |
Forum | Exchange and sharing of experience and best practicesConcrete examples |
9 | Identify and assess the impacts of the implementation of response measures taking into account intergenerational equity, gender considerations and the needs of local communities, indigenous peoples, youth and other people in vulnerable situations | SB 56 and SB 62 (2025) | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizationsTechnical paper |
Forum | Exchange and sharing of experience and best practicesInput from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations In-session workshop |
10 | Share experience and best practices in reporting and informing on efforts to assess and analyse the impacts of the implementation of response measures | SB 61 | KCI | Exchange and sharing of experience and best practices |
Forum | Exchange and sharing of experience and best practicesConcrete examples |
11 | Facilitate, exchange and share experiences and best practices in the assessment of the environmental, social and economic co-benefits of climate change policies and actions informed by the best available science, including the use of existing tools and methodologies | SB 55 and SB 57 | KCI | Input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations |
Forum | Exchange and sharing of experience and best practices |