This Directive lays down animal health requirements for intra-Community trade in meat products. Each Member State shall ensure that meat products intended for intra-Community trade are prepared from or with fresh meat and fulfilling the animal health requirements. A Member State, if there is a danger that animal diseases may be spread by the introduction of meat products from another Member State into its territory: (a) in the event of an outbreak of classical foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever or Teschen disease in the other Member State, the introduction of products prepared from the meat of animals which are susceptible to these diseases, other than products which have undergone one of the treatments temporarily prohibited or restricted from those parts of the territory of the Member State in which the disease has appeared; (b) if an epizootic disease becomes widespread or if there is an outbreak of another serious and contagious or infectious animal disease, the introduction from the entire territory of that State, of products prepared from the meat of animals which are susceptible to these diseases may be temporarily prohibited or restricted.
This Directive lays down animal health requirements for intra-Community trade in meat products. Each Member State shall ensure that meat products intended for intra-Community trade are prepared from or with fresh meat and fulfilling the animal health requirements. A Member State, if there is a danger that animal diseases may be spread by the introduction of meat products from another Member State into its territory: (a) in the event of an outbreak of classical foot-and-mouth disease, classical s
Council Directive 80/215/EEC on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in meat products.
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