This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 31 articles and 21 Annexes, establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, details on the marketing of seeds and seedlings of cultivated plants: requirements for marketing of propagating material (art. 2); marketing of officially unregistered seed varieties (art. 3); marketing of seed of conservation varieties (art. 4); marketing of seed varieties cultivated for growing under particular conditions (art. 5); procedures of seed recognition (art. 6); recognition of seed harvested in another member state or a third country which has been granted equivalence yo the species (art. 7); recognition of seed crops (art. 8); recognition of propagating material (art. 9); seed with unfinished certification (art. 10); egalization of seed (art. 11); marketing of seed before the end of official germination tests (art. 12); standard seed (art. 13); commercial seed (art. 14); seed mixture (art. 15); authorization and marketing of seed mixtures intended for the protection of the natural environment (art. 16); planting material in organic farming (art. 17); planting material of genetically modified varieties (art. 18); seedlings of vegetables (art. 19, 20); registration and reporting obligations of suppliers (art. 21); accreditation of persons (art. 22); import of planting material and seedlings of vegetables from third countries (art. 23); labeling and packaging of propagating material (art. 24, 25, 26, 27); control of the quality of seed (art. 28).
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 31 articles and 21 Annexes, establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, details on the marketing of seeds and seedlings of cultivated plants: requirements for marketing of propagating material (art. 2); marketing of officially unregistered seed varieties (art. 3); marketing of seed of conservation varieties (art. 4); marketing of seed varieties cultivated for growing under particular conditions (art.
Decree on details on the marketing of seeds and seedlings of cultivated plants.
Czech Republic
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