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This Decree-Law is composed of seven chapters divided into 45 articles and 21 Annexes. It regulates air quality management and introduces in the national legislation EU Directive No. 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 21 May, and EU Directive No. 2004/107/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 December on air quality. The Decree-Law thoroughly regulates air quality assessment against human health as well as quality controls and management of emissions especially for dangerous substances such as mercury and lead. Particular attention is paid in regulating information dissemination. It also provides for control institutions and defines sanctions for non-compliance with its provisions.
This Decree-Law is composed of seven chapters divided into 45 articles and 21 Annexes. It regulates air quality management and introduces in the legal order two EC Directives addressing air quality. The Decree-Law thoroughly regulates air quality assessment against human health as well as quality controls and management of emissions especially for dangerous substances such as mercury and lead. Particular attention is paid in regulating information dissemination. It also provides for control inst
Last amended and reprinted by Decree-Law No. 47/2017 of 10 May.This Decree-Law repeals the following: Decree-Law No. 276/99 of 23 July; Decree-Law No. 111/2002 of 16 April; Decree-Law No. 279/2007 of 6 August.
Decree-Law No. 102/2010 establishing the regime for the assessment and management of ambient air quality,
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