This Decree-Law amends, consolidates and republishes Decree-Law No. 102/2010 establishing the Ambient air quality assessment and management regime, transposing EU Directive 2015/1480. Amendments deal with the requirements to be set in order to measure Ambient air quality Standard, authorized methods for the measurement of the concentration of specific substances in the air in order to protect human health. In addition, it amends a number of Annexes regulating methods, data validation and location of sampling areas for assessing the air quality.
This Decree-Law amends, consolidates and republishes Decree-Law No. 102/2010 establishing the Ambient air quality assessment and management regime, transposing EU Directive 2015/1480. Amendments deal with the requirements to be set in order to measure Ambient air quality Standard, authorized methods for the measurement of the concentration of specific substances in the air in order to protect human health. In addition, it amends a number of Annexes regulating methods, data validation and locatio
This Decree-Law repeals the following: Decree-Law No. 276/99 of 23 July; Decree-Law No. 111/2002 of 16 April; Decree-Law No. 279/2007 of 6 August.
Decree-Law No. 47/2017 amending the Ambient air quality assessment and management regime, transposing EU Directive 2015/1480.
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