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This Ordinance prescribes general principles for the production and handling of marine and freshwater products. The Minister of Public Health shall make further regulations concerning: (a) the handling, processing, treatment, ingredients, storage, packing, labelling and transport of fishery products (art. 4); (b) the approval of processing plants and transport centres (art. 5); (c) importation of products from third countries (art. 6); and (d) research methods (art. 7). (11 articles)
This Ordinance prescribes general principles for the production and handling of marine and freshwater products. The Minister of Public Health shall make further regulations concerning: (a) the handling, processing, treatment, ingredients, storage, packing, labelling and transport of fishery products (art. 4); (b) the approval of processing plants and transport centres (art. 5); (c) importation of products from third countries (art. 6); and (d) research methods (art. 7). (11 articles)
Consolidated version of Stb. 46 of 1995 as at 11 February 2005 and amended last by Stb. 443 of 2002.Implements EC Council Directive 91/493/EEC (fishery products) and Directive 91/492 (bivalve molluscs).Repeals the Fish Ordinance and the Shrimps Ordinance both made under the Commodities Act.
Fisheries Products Decree No. 46 of 1995 made under the Commodities Act.
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