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An Act to implement the Convention concerning the collection, storage and discharge of waste from ships navigating along the Rhine and other inland waters signed at Strasbourg on 9 September 1996. Article 1 establishes that ports and turnover places which are situated on waterways mentioned in Annex 1 of the above-mentioned Convention have to arrange for special places where domestic waste, slope and hazardous waste are accepted. Article 2 names the Federal Ministry for Traffic, Building and Housing as responsible for the execution of the present Ordinance. The text consists of 4 articles.
An Act to implement the Convention concerning the collection, storage and discharge of waste from ships navigating along the Rhine and other inland waters signed at Strasbourg on 9 September 1996. Article 1 establishes that ports and turnover places which are situated on waterways mentioned in Annex 1 of the above-mentioned Convention have to arrange for special places where domestic waste, slope and hazardous waste are accepted. Article 2 names the Federal Ministry for Traffic, Building and Hou
Implementing Act on the Convention concerning the collection, storage and discharge of waste from ships navigating along the Rhein and other inland waters.
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