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This Decree must be applied to food produced and marketed within Hungary. Article 2 sanctions the principle of mutual assistance among food control authorities within the EU for control purposes and in case of infringement of food laws. Further provisions regard the Good Hygiene Practice, education and vocational training, content requirements of documents necessary to obtain the permit of construction of food processing and marketing premises, sampling and inspection during official food controls, and requirements for the placing on the market of certain food transported by sea.
This Decree must be applied to food produced and marketed within Hungary. Article 2 sanctions the principle of mutual assistance among food control authorities within the EU for control purposes and in case of infringement of food laws. Further provisions regard the Good Hygiene Practice, education and vocational training, content requirements of documents necessary to obtain the permit of construction of food processing and marketing premises, sampling and inspection during official food contro
Joint Decree No 68 of 2007 (VII. 26.) FVM-E M-SZMM of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs concerning certain food hygiene requirements of food processing and marketing and on official food controls.
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