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This Law, among other provisions, amends Decree Law No. 86. More specifically, articles 57, 58 and 59 of the present Law, amend articles 253-254 (wildlife reserves), 255 (hunting dogs), 258 (repeal of paragraph 3), 265 (wild flora), 287-288 (administrative sanctions) of Decree Law No. 86.
This Law, among other provisions, amends Decree Law No. 86. More specifically, articles 57, 58 and 59 of the present Law, amend articles 253-254 (wildlife reserves), 255 (hunting dogs), 258 (repeal of paragraph 3), 265 (wild flora), 287-288 (administrative sanctions) of Decree Law No. 86.
Law No. 2637 Establishment of Certification Agency of Accounts, of the Paying and Control Agency of the Reinforcement of the Community Aids Guidance and Guarantees, of the Organization for the Certification and Supervision of Agricultural Products, of General Directories and Staff Positions at the Ministry of Agriculture and of "Rural Land Development Company SA" and other provisions.
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