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The law sets forth the general conditions necessary for the approval and placement on the market of agricultural chemicals. According to the law holding, storing, manufacturing, importing, placing pesticides on the market is prohibited unless the products are previously approved for usage. Approval is normally granted only in relation to individual products and only for specified uses, and remain subject to immediate revocation, suspension or amendment at any time if safety considerations so demand. The law prescribes the legal and administrative procedures which must be observed for granting the approval. Also the competent bodies for control and issuance of the approval are stated.
The law sets forth the general conditions necessary for the approval and placement on the market of agricultural chemicals. According to the law holding, storing, manufacturing, importing, placing pesticides on the market is prohibited unless the products are previously approved for usage. Approval is normally granted only in relation to individual products and only for specified uses, and remain subject to immediate revocation, suspension or amendment at any time if safety considerations so dem
Law No. 721 concerning the authorization and control of agricultural chemicals and arranging related issues.
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