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The Decree states requirements regarding the place of origin and sanitary conditions to be observed by the establishments. The latter concern, inter alia: (a) sanitary requirements during production; (b) implementation of methods for the monitoring of the critical points; (c) taking of samples and analysis; (d) labelling and packaging procedures; (e) keeping of records and overseeing of the relevant documentation. Further provisions concern the conditions for the import of products from establishments of the third countries listed in Annexes I and II.
The Decree states requirements regarding the place of origin and sanitary conditions to be observed by the establishments. The latter concern, inter alia: (a) sanitary requirements during production; (b) implementation of methods for the monitoring of the critical points; (c) taking of samples and analysis; (d) labelling and packaging procedures; (e) keeping of records and overseeing of the relevant documentation. Further provisions concern the conditions for the import of products from establis
Legislative Decree No. 674 implementing Directive No. 92/118/EEC on sanitary requirements in matter of exchanges and imports of pathogens and products which are not specifically regulated by the Community.
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