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This Order, consisting of 8 articles and 1 Annex, establishes the exemption for National fishing vessels of a length between 12 and 15 metres from the obligation of using satellite system to detect their position, as well as the transmission through electronic means of fishing activities. This Order implements EU Council Regulation No. 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy. The Annex shows the requirements and the model form to be filled, in order to benefit from such exemption, according to Law No. 34/2006.
This Order, consisting of 8 articles and 1 Annex, establishes the exemption for National fishing vessels of a length between 12 and 15 metres from the obligation of using satellite system to detect their position, as well as the transmission through electronic means of fishing activities. This Order implements EU Council Regulation No. 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy. The Annex shows the requirements and the
Order No. 198/2013 exempting National fishing vessels of a lenght between 12 and 15 metres from using satellite system to detect their position.
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