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This Order lays down rules for the production, placing on the market and importing in the country meat preparations and minced meat, in compliance with Council Directive 94/65/EC of 14 December 1994. The Order is considered as complementary to Presidential Order 11/1995. It shall not apply to meat preparations and minced meat which are produced in retail shops, with a view to sale there directly to the final consumer; such operations remain subject to the health checks required by rules governing supervision of the retail trade. Also, rules applicable to the production and placing on the market of minced meat intended for use as raw material shall be unaffected by this Order. The Central Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture shall ensure that only fresh meat obtained from bovine animals, pigs, sheep or goats and presented in the form of minced meat, which meets the requirements laid down in this Order is traded.
This Order lays down rules for the production, placing on the market and importing in the country meat preparations and minced meat, in compliance with Council Directive 94/65/EC of 14 December 1994. The Order is considered as complementary to Presidential Order 11/1995. It shall not apply to meat preparations and minced meat which are produced in retail shops, with a view to sale there directly to the final consumer; such operations remain subject to the health checks required by rules governin
This Order abrogates rules set forth in Presidential Order No. 159/91, except comma (e), paragraph 1 of article 11.
Presidential Order No. 289 establishing the health rules for the production and placing on the market of minced meat and meat preparations.
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