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This Regulation establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community: (1) indicators reflecting the state of water in the watercourse; (2) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters; (3) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of waste waters; (4) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of waste waters for sensitive areas and for discharge of waste waters into surface waters affecting water quality in sensitive areas; (5) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface water sources which are used or expected to be used as the source of drinking water; (6) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters which are suitable for life and reproduction of indigenous species of fish and other aquatic animals; (7) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters which are used for bathing; (8) terms and conditions of the permit for the discharge of waste waters. The Regulation establishes also sensitive areas. All surface waters in the territory of the Czech Republic are defined as sensitive waters.
This Regulation establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community: (1) indicators reflecting the state of water in the watercourse; (2) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters; (3) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of waste waters; (4) indicators and values of acceptable pollution of waste waters for sensitive areas and for discharge of waste waters into surface waters affecting water quality in sensitive areas; (5) indicators and value
Regulation on indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters and waste waters, on permits to discharge waste waters into surface water and sewerage, and on sensitive areas.
Czech Republic
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