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This Regulation provides for the administration on the import and export of endangered wild fauna and flora as well as the products thereof, and for the protection and utilization, in a reasonable manner, of wildlife resources. It shall be prohibited to import or export any endangered wild fauna and flora whose import or export is prohibited by the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, for any purpose of commercial trade. Approval shall be granted by the administrative department only for special reasons such as scientific research, domestication and propagation, artificial cultivation and cultural exchange (arts. 6 and 7). The import of endangered wild fauna and flora shall meet the requirements provided for in articles 8 and 9. Articles 10-14 deal with the application and issuance of the Certification on Import/Export Permission. Any import or export of endangered wild fauna and flora shall be subject to inspection and quarantine (art. 21). Articles 24-27 deal with violations and sanctions.
This Regulation provides for the administration on the import and export of endangered wild fauna and flora as well as the products thereof, and for the protection and utilization, in a reasonable manner, of wildlife resources. It shall be prohibited to import or export any endangered wild fauna and flora whose import or export is prohibited by the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, for any purpose of commercial trade. Approval shall be granted b
Regulation of the People s Republic of China on the Administration of the Import and Export of Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora.
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