This Regulation lays down rules on support for CAP strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States and financed by the EAGF and the EAFRD, with the aim of making the Common Agricultural Policy more result-driven and market-oriented, boosting modernization and sustainability, including the economic, social, environmental and climate sustainability of the agricultural, forestry and rural areas, and helping reduce the Union legislation-related administrative burden for beneficiaries. Each CAP Strategic Plan shall cover the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027. This Regulation sets out general as well as specific objectives for agricultural and rural development, including (i) supporting viable farm income and resilience of the agricultural sector across the Union in order to enhance long-term food security and agricultural diversity as well as ensuring the economic sustainability of agricultural production in the Union; (ii) enhancing market orientation and increasing farm competitiveness both in the short and long term, including greater focus on research, technology and digitalization; (iii) improving the farmers position in the value chain; (iv) contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration, as well as promoting sustainable energy; (v) fostering sustainable development and efficient management of natural resources such as water, soil and air, including by reducing chemical dependency; (vi) contributing to halting and reversing biodiversity loss, enhance ecosystem services and preserve habitats and landscapes; (vii) attracting and sustaining young farmers and new farmers and facilitating sustainable business development in rural areas; (viii) promoting employment, growth, gender equality, including the participation of women in farming, social inclusion and local development in rural areas, including the circular bio-economy and sustainable forestry; (ix) improving the response of Union agriculture to societal demands on food and health, including high-quality, safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way, to reduce food waste, as well as to improve animal welfare and to combat antimicrobial resistance. These objectives shall be complemented and interconnected with the cross-cutting objective of modernizing agriculture and rural areas by fostering and sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalization in agriculture and rural areas and by encouraging their uptake by farmers, through improved access to research, innovation, knowledge exchange and training. Member States shall include in their CAP Strategic Plans a system of conditionality under which farmers and other beneficiaries receiving direct payments or annual payments are subject to an administrative penalty if they do not comply with the statutory management requirements under Union law and the GAEC standards relating to the climate and the environment, including water, soil and biodiversity of ecosystems; public health and plant health; and animal welfare. This Regulation lays down rules on the definitions and conditions to be provided in the CAP Strategic Plans; common requirements and conditionality; farm advisory services; types of intervention, reduction and minimum requirements; general requirements for receiving decoupled direct payments; complementary income support; schemes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare; granting of payment; types of intervention in the fruit and vegetables sector, the apiculture products sector, the wine sector, the hops sector, the olive oil and table olives sector, and other sectors covering products listed in Annex VI to this Regulation; types of intervention for rural development; granting of support for investments, including investments in irrigation in new and existing irrigated areas; granting support for the setting-up of young farmers and the start-up of rural businesses; granting support for risk management tools; granting support for knowledge exchange and dissemination of information; specific rules for financial instruments; forms of grants; financial provisions; content of the CAP Strategic Plan; approval and amendment of the CAP Strategic Plan; and monitoring, reporting and evaluation.
Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1305/2013 and (EU) No 1307/2013.
European Union
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