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The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling decisions 2/CP.17, 1/CP.21, 12/CP.21, 15/CP.22, 21/CP.22, 3/CP.23, 13/CP.23, 15/CP.23, 12/CP.24 and 13/CP.24,
1.Welcomes the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 20191 and their progress in facilitating effective implementation of the Technology Mechanism;1FCCC/SB/2019/4.
2.Also welcomes the collaboration of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, including through the organization of back-to-back meetings between the Technology Executive Committee and the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network and regional technical expert meetings, and invites them to enhance their collaboration and to ensure the provision of feedback between them;
3.Further welcomes the coherent approach of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network to developing and enhancing their monitoring and evaluation systems, and encourages them to use these systems to improve reporting on the outputs and impacts of their work and facilitate the achievement thereof;
4.Invites the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue undertaking joint communication and outreach activities to ensure coherent communication under the Technology Mechanism;
5.Welcomes the engagement and collaboration of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network with the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and encourages their continued and enhanced collaboration;
I. - Activities and performance of the Technology Executive Committee in 2019
6.Welcomes the rolling workplan of the Technology Executive Committee for 2019–20222 and the progress of the Committee in advancing the implementation thereof, including in the areas of innovation, implementation, enabling environment and capacity-building, collaboration and stakeholder engagement, and support;2Available at
7.Invites Parties and relevant stakeholders, in planning and implementing action related to technology development and transfer, to consider and build on the recommendations of the Technology Executive Committee on ways forward and actions to be taken on the basis of the outcomes of the technical expert meetings on mitigation in 2019 as well as the key messages of the Committee for 2019 on endogenous capacities and technologies;33Contained in document FCCC/SB/2019/4.
8.Notes with appreciation that the Technology Executive Committee adopted an approach to integrating gender considerations into its rolling workplan for 2019–2022, and encourages the Technology Executive Committee to continue its efforts in this regard and report on this matter;44Pursuant to decision 21/CP.22, para. 14.
9.Welcomes the collaboration of the Technology Executive Committee with the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts in preparing a joint policy brief on technologies for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in coastal zones, and looks forward to the completion of the policy brief in 2020;
10.Takes note of the Technology Executive Committee’s efforts to reach out to regional stakeholders and national designated entities, including through the participation of representatives of the Technology Executive Committee in regional forums of the Climate Technology Centre and Network;
11.Invites the Technology Executive Committee to continue the efforts referred to in paragraph 10 above to enhance the visibility of and seek feedback on its work, and requests the Technology Executive Committee to report on such efforts;
12.Notes the initiative of the Technology Executive Committee, under its rolling workplan for 2019–2022, to promote innovative approaches to upscaling adaptation technologies, including through the organization of an in-session technology day in 2020;
II. - Activities and performance of the Climate Technology Centre and Network in 2019
13.Welcomes the appointment by the United Nations Environment Programme, as host of the Climate Technology Centre, of Rose Mwebaza as the new Director of the Climate Technology Centre and Network;
14.Expresses its appreciation to the former Director of the Climate Technology Centre and Network, Jukka Uosukainen, for his leadership in ensuring the full operationalization of the Climate Technology Centre and Network;
15.Welcomes the programme of work of the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 2019–20225 and the progress in implementing the activities therein, including multi-country and regional approaches to delivering its services;5Available at
16.Also welcomes the progress of the Climate Technology Centre and Network in collaborating with the Green Climate Fund and encourages the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue this collaboration, including under the Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, for, inter alia, developing and updating technology needs assessments and technology action plans to support implementation of nationally determined contributions;
17.Also encourages the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue implementing plans and actions in response to the recommendations from the independent review of the effective implementation of the Climate Technology Centre and Network;66Contained in document FCCC/CP/2017/3.
18.Welcomes with appreciation the collaboration of the Climate Technology Centre and Network with relevant stakeholders, including the private sector, in implementing their activities, and requests the Climate Technology Centre and Network to enhance this collaboration;
19.Invites the Climate Technology Centre and Network to enhance engagement with Network members, including through new and innovative approaches, and to include information on this matter in the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 2020;
20.Notes with appreciation the continued efforts of the Climate Technology Centre and Network in mainstreaming gender consideration in its operations and technical assistance activities and encourages the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue these efforts and to report thereon;
21.Also notes with appreciation the ongoing efforts of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to mobilize resources for implementing its functions, including pro bono and in-kind contributions;
22.Requests the Climate Technology Centre and Network to analyse its experience and lessons learned with regard to pro bono and in-kind contributions, including with a view to increasing such contributions, and to include information thereon in the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 2020;
23.Expresses its appreciation for the financial contributions provided by Parties to support the work of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to date;
24.Notes with concern the challenge of securing sustainable financial resources for the Climate Technology Centre and Network;
25.Recalls the memorandum of understanding between the Conference of the Parties and the United Nations Environment Programme regarding the hosting of the Climate Technology Centre, as contained in annex I to decision 14/CP.18, and invites the United Nations Environment Programme, as the host of the Climate Technology Centre, to develop and implement plans to financially support the operation of the Climate Technology Centre and Network so as to facilitate its effective functioning, in accordance with this memorandum of understanding;
26.Requests the Climate Technology Centre and Network to:
(a)Enhance its resource mobilization efforts and further diversify the sources, including by exploring new and innovative ways, to support its operation in order to effectively implement its programme of work;
(b)Report on the activities and plans referred to in paragraph 26(a) above in the joint annual reports of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network.