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2. Underlines the importance of increased cooperation and coordination between conventions in the chemicals and waste cluster in promoting the effective regional delivery of capacitybuilding and the transfer of technology to developing countries and countries with economies in transition;
3. Affirms that such regional or subregional centres should be capable of meeting the technical assistance and technology transfer needs and priorities identified in the annex to decision SC1/15 and fulfilling the terms of reference for such centres set out in annex I of decision SC-2/9; 4. Requests regional representatives on the bureau to submit to the secretariat, as soon as practicable after the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties, nominations for institutions to become Stockholm Convention regional centres or subregional centres in accordance with the terms of reference for the selection of such centres set forth in the annex to the present decision; 5. Decides that institutions nominated by regions will be formally recognized as “nominated Stockholm Convention centres” until the Conference of the Parties at its next meeting decides whether to confirm their endorsement